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Ralph sat up, and struggled painfully to his feet, turning hot and faint again; but he made a brave effort to be firm, and took a step or two and then stopped, Mark making no effort to assist him. Then stifling a cry of pain, he took another step or two and tottered, when Mark caught his arm. "You're shamming," he cried angrily.

This polite word of theirs was first borrowed from the bullies in Whitefriars, then fell among the footmen, and at last retired to the pedants. For 'shamming' cf.

"Oh, no," she answered, snatching greedily at the opportunity of telling a little of what she had been thinking. "Did I drive two hundred and fifty miles in the dark, at fifty miles an hour? Did I climb and crawl, and fight, and nurse a squealing girl after carrying her for miles?" "Three hundred yards," said Dick dryly. "And you must have been shamming to know anything about it." "Mrs.

A careful hand to her hair, a quick scurry to the mirror, a leap of apprehensiveness; and then she was back in bed, shamming sleep, because her mother had stirred. The two lay side by side for ever so long, until Sally could once again allow herself to breathe freely.

True love, true friendship, true benevolence, true tenderness, were beautiful to her, qualities on which she could descant almost with eloquence; and therefore she was always shamming love and friendship and benevolence and tenderness.

At such times, if molested, the old birds have been known to act in the same way as the partridge or plover, by shamming lame, so as to mislead the intruder.

"Name it, my dear Miss Dragwell, name it!" cried Mrs Forster, imploringly. "You must pretend to be mad, and then there will be a verdict of insanity; but you must carry it through everything, or it will be thought you are shamming.

Rivarez is cunning enough for anything." "My giving him a dose would hardly help him to drug the sentinel," replied the doctor, unable to suppress a smile. "And as for shamming there's not much fear of that. He is as likely as not to die." "Anyway, I won't have it given. If a man wants to be tenderly treated, he should behave accordingly. He has thoroughly deserved a little sharp discipline.

Andreas was in reality shamming, and crawling through the bushes saw his uncle at work and promptly fired at him. This time he met his deserts, for his uncle, unhurt, returned the compliment and shot him through the head.

This worthy seized the opportunity, received an ex-parte statement for Gospel, and misjudged, spite of his senses. Item. An occasion for twaddling had come, and this good soul seized it and twaddled into a man's ear who was fainting on the rack. At this moment the more observant Hawes saw the signs of shamming coming on.