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For Whitefriars and its claims To be champion or martyr, And to fight for its dames Like a Knight of the Garter."

I landed him at Whitefriars, and I to the Exchange, and so home to dinner, where I found my wife's brother, and thence after dinner by water to the Royall Theatre, where I resolved to bid farewell, as shall appear by my oaths tomorrow against all plays either at publique houses or Court till Christmas be over.

In the search after him they were so assiduous that in a very short space they surprised him at a house in Whitefriars, where he was forced to fly up to a garret in order to conceal himself. His pursuers thinking they had now lodged him pretty securely, sent notice of it to their master.

But no man in his senses can approve of the ancient system under which a debtor who might be arrested in Fleet Street was safe as soon as he had scampered into Whitefriars.

Yet your father's image rises before me, and seems to plead that I should go on." "Be it as you will, sir," said Glenvarloch; "he who doubts my word shall have no additional security for it." "Well, my lord. In the Sanctuary at Whitefriars a place of refuge so unsuitable to a young man of quality and character I am told a murder was committed." "And you believe that I did the deed, I suppose?"

I landed him at Whitefriars, and I to the Exchange, and so home to dinner, where I found my wife's brother, and thence after dinner by water to the Royall Theatre, where I resolved to bid farewell, as shall appear by my oaths tomorrow against all plays either at publique houses or Court till Christmas be over.

The nearest approach to it had been that dinner with the Whitefriars, at which he first met Margaret Brandt, and that did not come within measurable distance of this one. "Will you be pleased to tek your dinner with the leddies again to-night?" asked Mrs. Carré, as she gave Graeme his breakfast next morning. "I would be delighted," he said doubtfully.

This cant name had been given to the precinct of Whitefriars before 1623, then and for many years a notorious refuge for persons wishing to avoid bailiffs and creditors. The earliest use of the name is Thomas Towel's quarto tract, Wheresoever you see meet, Trust unto Yourselfe: or the Mysterie of Lending and Borrowing . The second use in point of time is the Prologue to Settle's Pastor Fido :

And when poor Duns, quite weary, will not stay; The hopeless Squire's into Alsatia driven. Behn's reference to Alsatia in this play, which is often ignored, claims fourth place. We then have Shadwell's famous comedy, The Squire of Alsatia , with its well-known vocabulary of Alsatian jargon and slang, its scenes in Whitefriars, the locus classicus, a veritable mine of information.

I saw him with the duke before, when we went into the Whitefriars for the pardon; and he stood there behind with the look of a devil on his face; and now here he was again " "His name, sir?" put in Dom Adrian. "Torridon, father, Torridon! He was a " There was a sharp movement in the room, so that the monk stopped and looked round him amazed.