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He makes very good terms with his God, entering into a contract by which, after having carried out certain points agreed upon, he is finally admitted to eternal bliss as a compensation for various failures in this world. But what have we in common with these notions of the mob? You once expressed your view of human nature to the effect that man is "une intelligence, servie par des organes."

Cette ville, qui avoit un beau château, appertenoit au despote de Servie. Le Turc l'a prise de force il y a cinq ans, et il l'a entièrement détruite; elle est dans un canton charmant qui produit beaucoup de riz. Je continuai par-del

Ses revenus sont de deux millions et demi de ducats, y compris vingt-cinq mille qu'il perçoit en tributs. [Footnote: Il y a ici erreur de copiste sur ces vingt-cinq mille ducats de tributs; la somme est trop foible. On verra plus bas que le despote de Servie en payoit annuellement cinquante mille

Parmi ces esclaves il y a beaucoup de chrétiens. Il y en a aussi beaucoup dans les troupes Grecques: les uns Albaniens, les autres Bulgares ou d'autres contrées. C'est ainsi que dans la dernière armée de Grèce il se trouva trois mille chevaux de Servie, que le despote de cette province envoya sous le commandement d'un de ses fils. C'est bien

I tried to picture the scene, but the effort was too much for my hereditary Puritan leanings. Unable to rise to these heights of realism, I was rated a pagan for my ill-timed spirituality. Madame est servie. . . . The train conveying me to Taranto was to halt for the night at the second station beyond Venosa at Spinaz-zola.

"Madame est servie!" cried the epauletted lacquey, and the countess drawing her arm through Henrietta's, led her into the dining-room, where the gentlemen already awaited them. After dinner the humorous young countess entertained Henrietta for a long time with her amusing chatter. She told her, at the very outset, things that young wives, as a rule, only confide to their most intimate friends.

Before I know it Amelie appears at the library door to announce that "Madame est servie" and the morning is gone. As I am alone, as a rule I take my lunch in the breakfast-room. It is on the north side of the house, and is the coolest room in the house at noon. Besides, it has a window overlooking the plain.

He was ahead of me, with the cocked rifle in his hand, but after going a short distance he stopped, suddenly, and began to fill his pipe, with the most exasperating coolness. "Why don't you go on?" I asked, indignantly. "Don't you think I deserve a pipe?" he said. "You don't deserve anything," I told him. "I want my stag." "Mademoiselle est servie" he said, laughing.

Celle d'Italie présente trois chemins divers. L'un par Aquilée, par l'Istrie, la Dalmatie, le royaume de Rassie (Servie) et Thessalonique (Salonique), la plus grande cité de Macédoine, laquelle n'est qu'

People may think as they like, I cannot get rid of the definition "L'homme est une intelligence servie par des organes," and that your organs serve you excellently well is proved by your writing the Nibelung trilogy with prologue. May the living God bless you and have you in His keeping! Your cordially devoted friend, WEYMAR, December 1st, 1851.