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In his own sphere of work no one will allow another to be distinguished: he is an intruder who cannot be tolerated. Si quelq'un excelle parmi nous, qu'il aille exceller ailleurs! this is the universal password of the second-rate.

Another time he said: "I am glad that I never was married. My wife would now have been an old, wrinkled woman. I never would have had the courage to come home of an evening. I quote the following from a Paris newspaper: Parmi les dames qu'on admire le plus, il convient de citer Mme Moulton. C'est la premiere fois que nous revoyons Mme Moulton au theatre depuis son retour d'Amerique.

D'ailleurs ils ont parmi eux un très-grand nombre de chrétiens qui servent forcément: Grecs, Bulgares, Macédoniens, Albanois, Esclavons, Valaques, Rasciens et autres sujets du despote de Rascie. Tous ces gens-l

Armine Brownlow and Captain Armytage, whenever the latter could be spared from the theatrical arrangements, where, as he said, it was a case of parmi les borgnes -for his small experience with the Wills-of-the-Wisp made him valuable. The stalls were each in what was supposed to represent by turns a Highland bothie or a cave.

His eyes sparkled and snapped, and suddenly she tingled with a sense that the situation was not without an element of danger. "I had a feeling about you, last night at dinner," he said; "you reminded me of a line of Marcel Prevost, 'Cette femme ne sera pas aimee que parmi des drames." "Nonsense," said Honora; "last night at dinner you were too much occupied with Miss Chamberlin to think of me."

Of course, she was angry at that, but her wrath did not last long. She burst out laughing when she came to the lines, 'Io il veggo, io il sento, e a pena vero parmi: Sento in maschio in femina matarsi. And then, 'Cosi le dissi, e feci ch'ella stessa Trovo con man la veritade expressa. "What you call obscenity is mere license, and there is plenty of that at Rome."

And somewhat later, he says: "Cette bataille etait un chef d'oeuvre de mouvements, de manoeuvres, et de resolution, seul elle suffirait pour immortaliser Frederic, et lui donne un rang parmi les plus grands generaux!" The victory was gained.

Au jardin des amours ta place est réservée, Parmi des feux de joie et des lilas en fleurs. Viens réveiller en nous de nouvelles ardeurs Descends avec la nuit, ainsi que la rosée Tant que l'astre d'argent sourit

Mill had sent Mistral the French translation of his essay, "The Subjection of Women," and in answer to the other's thanks and flattering assurance of his own conversion, he wrote: "Parmi toutes les adhesions qui ont ete donnees a la these de mon petit livre, je ne sais s'il y en a aucune qui m'ont fait plus de plaisir que la votre."

"Plus fin que Pachmann!" he reiterated, waving his arms wildly, and dancing. "Tu auras une migraine affreuse. Rentrons, petit coeur!" said George Sand, gently but firmly. "Laisse-moi le saluer," cried the composer, struggling in her grasp. "Demain soir, oui. Il sera parmi nous," said the novelist, as she hurried him away.