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At the age of sixty he went at last to the repose which he had denied to himself on earth. "Repos ailleurs." From the Death of William the Silent to the Twelve Year's Truce 1609 By John Lothrop Motley

In his own sphere of work no one will allow another to be distinguished: he is an intruder who cannot be tolerated. Si quelq'un excelle parmi nous, qu'il aille exceller ailleurs! this is the universal password of the second-rate.

Do you know his motto?" She nodded and answered softly: "Repos ailleurs." "Where else can we rest," he repeated firmly. A slight shiver ran through her limbs, and as she withdrew her hands, she could not help thinking: "Where else;-so not here. Rest and happiness have no home here." She did not utter the words, but could not drive them from her mind.

His device, "Repos ailleurs," finely typified the restless, agitated and laborious life to which he was destined. That other distinguished leader of the newly-formed league, Count Louis, was a true knight of the olden time, the very mirror of chivalry.

Les operations de l'Amiral Courbet au Tonkin et en Chine montrent que notre marine se maintient a la hauteur de sa vieille reputation; elle le doit aux traditions, a l'esprit de corps, aux sentiments de respect pour les chefs qui s'est conserve chez elle tandis qu'il disparaissait ou s'affaiblissait partout ailleurs. Mais cette demonstration nous coute bien cher.

A grand and noble figure always: most pathetic when thus redeeming by vigorous but solitary and melancholy hard labor, the political error which had condemned him to retirement. To work, ever to work, was the primary law of his nature. Repose in the other world, "Repos ailleurs" was the device which he assumed in earliest youth, and to which he was faithful all his days.

For another man these in themselves would have made a not inconsiderable reputation; but to the world they are interesting chiefly as illustrating a marvellous mental activity stretching itself out in every direction; unresting in the best sense of the word; incapable of settling down into even momentary idleness. "Repos ailleurs" seems to have been the motto of Mr.

Je dis ceci pour avertir que les habitans de cette ville sont gens méchants qui n'entendent pas trop raison, et que par conséquent il faut bien se garder d'avoir querrelle avec eux. Il en est de même ailleurs. J'ai éprouvé par moi-même qu'il ne faut vis-

"To be employed," said the poet Gray, "is to be happy." "It is better to wear out than rust out," said Bishop Cumberland. "Have we not all eternity to rest in?" exclaimed Arnauld. "Repos ailleurs" was the motto of Marnix de St. Aldegonde, the energetic and ever-working friend of William the Silent.

It is, at bottom, the same thought as is present in the very well-turned sentence from Chamfort: Le bonheur n'est pas chose aisée: il est très difficile de le trouver en nous, et impossible de le trouver ailleurs. Eth.