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Its title was Les Rayons et Les Ombres. She opened it by hazard at the following poem, which had no heading and which stood, a small triptych of print, rather solitary in the lower half of a large white page: Dieu qui sourit et qui donne Et qui vient vers qui l'attend Pourvu que vous soyez bonne, Sera content.

And there, too! there! upon the ottoman! who could he be? he, the petitmaitre no, the Deity who sat as if carved in marble, et qui sourit, with his pale countenance, si amerement? Mais il faut agir that is to say, a Frenchman never faints outright. Besides, his Grace hated a scene De L'Omelette is himself again. There were some foils upon a table some points also. The Duc s'echapper.

Cannon's pose exhibited pride, but it was obvious that he did not share his father's taste. His tone rather patronized his father, and Hugo too. As he let the pages of the book slip by under his thumb, he stopped, and with a very good French accent, quite different from Hilda's memory of Miss Miranda's, murmured in a sort of chanting "Dieu qui sourit et qui donne."

My indifference or harshness served equally to increase the evil I desired to check. "Que le dedain lui sied bien!" I once overheard her say to her mother: "il est beau comme Apollon quand il sourit de son air hautain." And the jolly old dame laughed, and said she thought her daughter was bewitched, for I had no point of a handsome man about me, except being straight and without deformity.

Au jardin des amours ta place est réservée, Parmi des feux de joie et des lilas en fleurs. Viens réveiller en nous de nouvelles ardeurs Descends avec la nuit, ainsi que la rosée Tant que l'astre d'argent sourit

Her fingers, prompted by a note, had gone from it into Gounod. "Will you marry me?" "Certainly not." It was as though he had asked her to go skating. To mark the absurdity of it her voice mounted. "Le printemps chasse les hivers " The words are imbecile but the air, which is charming, seemed to occupy her wholly. "Et sourit dans les arbres verts "