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If you want a clock, and CAN lay your hands on one of them, I advise you not to let go the chance; you'll know 'em by the 'Lowell' mark, for they were all made at Judge Beler's factory, Squire Shepody, down to Five Islands, axed me to get him one, and a special job I had of it, near about more sarch arter it than it was worth, but I did get him one, and a particular handsome one it is, copald and gilt superior.

"The loon!" ejaculated Slone, and he laughed low in both anger and ridicule. "Lucy, that's only a fool's talk." "He's crazy. Oh, if I ever get him in front of me again when I'm on Sarch I'll I'll...." She ended with a little gasp and leaned a moment against Slone. He felt her heart beat felt the strong clasp of her hands.

"Well, when a critter talks for talk sake, jist to have a speech in the paper to send to home, and not for any other airthly puppus but electioneering, our folks call it Bunkum. All that flourish about Right o' Sarch was Bunkum all that brag about hangin' your Canada sheriff was Bunkum. "Well, they talk Bunkum here too, as well as there.

"To say truth, I don't feel quite easy about him, for he's bin away longer than usual, or than there's any occasion for. If he doesn't return soon, I'll have to go an' sarch for him." As the hunter spoke the hooting of an owl was distinctly heard outside.

I have come on a message of gratitude. Had you submitted to the search, worthy old man, the death of the deer would have been a trifle, and all would have been well ” “Submit to the sarchinterrupted Natty, raising his face from resting on his knees, without rising from the corner where he had seated himself; “d’ye think gal, I would let such a varmint into my hut?

The women may be some time afore they miss her, and they'll sarch for her everywhere afore they give the alarm, as they'll be greatly blamed for their carelessness." There had been a pause in the flight for a few seconds when the Seneca and Pearson arrived with the girls at the point where Peter and the other Indian were posted, two hundred yards from the camp.

"Bostil," he began, huskily, "you're to send the King an' Sarch an' Ben an' Two Face an' Plume to ransom Lucy! ... If you won't then Creech'll sell her to Cordts!" What a strange look came into the faces of the riders! Did, they think he cared more for horseflesh than for his own flesh and blood?

'Your government don't seem to comprehend me in reference to this Right of Sarch. Lookin' a man in the face, to see he is the right man, and sarchin' his pockets, are two very different things. You take, don't you? "'I'm up to snuff, Sir, sais I, 'and no mistake. I know'd well enough that warn't what he sent for me for, by the way he humm'd and hawed when he began.

"Well, then, that's settled; and now, Black Swan, I may as well tell you what coorse I mean to follow out in this sarch for my child'n. You know already that four white men strangers have come to the Fort, an' are now smokin' their pipes in the hall, but you don't know that one on 'em is my own brother Jefferson; Jeff, I've bin used to call him.

Lord, if they were located down in these here Cumberland marshes, how the mosquitoes would tickle them up, wouldn't they? They'd set 'em scratching thereabouts, as an Irishman does his head, when he's in sarch of a lie. Them 'ere fellers cut their eye-teeth afore they ever sot foot in this country, I expect.