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“There is no human aid nearer than Templetonhe said, “and the hut of Natty is full three miles from this come, come, my young friend, go with us, and let the new doctor look to this shoulder of thine.

“What say you, my friendcried the traveller, turning pleasantly to Natty’s companion; “shall we toss up this dollar for the honor, and you keep the silver if you lose; what say you, friend“That I killed the deeranswered the young man, with a little haughtiness, as he leaned on another long rifle similar to that of Natty.

The youth uttered something in a low voice, that was heard only by Elizabeth, and turned to execute what she had suggested. As they were separating, Natty approached the females, and said: “You’ll remember the canister of powder, children. Them beavers must be had, and I and the pups be getting old; we want the best of ammunition“Come, Nattysaid Edwards, impatiently. “Coming, lad, coming.

We could discover no trace or sign, nothing whatever to give us any clue to their fate. "What can have become of them?" exclaimed Natty for the twentieth time as we stood examining the canoe. "But here come the blacks. Perhaps they will find out." The chief and several of his followers assembled round the canoe, and began to talk eagerly to each other.

I directed our course towards it, taking Natty up and running along as fast as I could move. Although I well knew that it is dangerous to take shelter in a thunderstorm under a tree, I hoped to be able to obtain wood and leaves to build a hut by which Natty, at all events, might be partly sheltered.

His father was a farmer, that's true; but his mother was a sort of lady, as we know. Nothing would please me better than to see them two man and wife." "They'd look very natty, arm-in-crook together, and their best clothes on, whether or no, if he's at all the well-favoured fellow he used to be." "They would, Humphrey. Well, I should like to see the chap terrible much after so many years.

"No," answered John ponderously, "no, Natty Bell, London aren't spiled him, and why, Barnabas, I'm glad to see ye, lad yes, I'm glad, and and why, there y'are, Barnabas." "Looks a bit palish, though, John!" said Natty Bell, shaking his head, "but that's only nat'ral, arter all, yes a bit palish, p'r'aps, but, man Jack what o' that?"

Presently five of them leaped into the canoe, and having pulled out from the shore, so as to allow the current to carry them directly towards it, began cautiously paddling down to the island. They, of course, knew its strength, and the necessity for care. As they approached, Natty and I each took a branch in our hands and waved it, hoping that they would understand it as a signal of friendship.

Leo and Natty were far more idle, though they occasionally took their seats near the young ladies, and either read to them, or listened to their reading. The Bible was their chief book, and happily its stores are inexhaustible. The other works they had read over and over again, till they declared that they could no longer look at them with patience.

I know you too well to urge you further, Natty; unless you will let me build you a hut on one of the distant hills, where we can sometimes see you, and know that you are comfortable“Don’t fear for the Leather-Stocking, children; God will see that his days be provided for, and his ind happy. I know you mean all for the best, but our ways doesn't agree.