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Then I put some potatoes into the embers, as Baby and I are both fond of roasted potatoes. I started to a little spring to get water for my coffee when I saw a couple of jack rabbits playing, so I went back for my little shotgun. I shot one of the rabbits, so I felt very like Leather-stocking because I had killed but one when I might have gotten two.

“No, nointerrupted the Leather-Stocking, “I must away to the wigwam; there’s work there that mustn’t be forgotten for all your churchings and merry-makings. Let the lad go with you in welcome; he is used to keeping company with ministers, and talking of such matters; so is old John, who was christianized by the Moravians abouts the time of the old war.

As he caught their glances, he drew his hard hand hastily across his eyes again, waved it on high for an adieu, and uttering a forced cry to his dogs, who were crouching at his feet, he entered the forest. This was the last that they ever saw of the Leather-Stocking, whose rapid movements preceded the pursuit which Judge Temple both ordered and conducted.

“I have never heard of this spot before; it is not mentioned in the books“I never read a book in my lifesaid Leather-Stocking; “and how should a man who has lived in towns and schools know anything about the wonders of the woods? No, no, lad; there has that little stream of water been playing among the hills since He made the world, and not a dozen white men have ever laid eyes on it.

They may talk of their Jeffersons and Jacksons, but I set down Washington and Natty Bumppo as the two only really great men of my time." "What do you think of Bonaparte, commodore?" inquired Paul. "Well, sir, Bonaparte had some strong points about him, I do really believe. But he could have been nothing to the Leather-stocking, in the woods!

The instant the sounds reached the ear of the gentleman he cried aloud to the black: “Hol up, Aggy; there is old Hector; I should know his bay among ten thousand! The Leather-Stocking has put his hounds into the hills this clear day, and they have started their game.

He carries a good rifle, too, ‘the Leather-Stocking said, in my hearing, before Betty Hollister’s bar- room fire, no later than the Tuesday night, that the younger was certain death to the wild beasts. If so be he can kill the wild-cat that has been heard moaning on the lake-side since the hard frosts and deep snows have driven the deer to herd, he will be doing the thing that is good.

No one has created a character in American fiction more original, more certain of immortality, or combining more elements worthy of the novelist's best skill than Leather-Stocking. Among his many stories is large range of excellence.

He looked like a youthful Leather-stocking; and seemed to be a part of the forest in which he lived, and from which he came. He had been cramped in the rich clothes; and the consciousness of this feeling, so to speak, had made his manner stiff and unnatural; now, however, he was forest Verty again.

I have heard the old settlers affirm, that the Leather-stocking used to talk for hours at a time, with the animals of the forest." "You knew the Leather-stocking, commodore?" "No, young lady, I am sorry to say I never had the pleasure of looking on him even. He was a great man!