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"He never was no class," objected Dixon. "If ye'd see him gallop the day he run away, ye'd think he had class," said Mike. "Bot' tumbs up! ye'd a t'ought it was the flyin' Salvator." "Well, we'll soon know all about it," declared Dixon. "There's the saddlin' bell. Have you weighed out, Redpath? Weight all right, ninety-two pounds?" "All right, sir.

"'Whatever be we goin' to do with this yere hoss-thief pris'ner of ours? says Jack Moore to Enright the next day, when we're saddlin' up an' organizin' to pull our freight. 'He's shore due to bother us a lot.

Mac, Barry ain't a safe man to foller!" "Haw-Haw," answered Mac Strann, "Will you gimme a hand saddlin' my hoss? I got an appointment, an' I'm two minutes late already." In the room which had been assigned to his use Doctor Randall Byrne sat down to an unfinished letter and began to write. "Dinner has interrupted me, my dear Loughburne.

Come, my friend, git on your clothes and accouterments, fer Mrs. Anderson is a-dyin' or a-lettin' on to be a-dyin' fer a drink of ginseng-tea or a corn-sweat or some other decoction of the healin' art. Come, I fotch two hosses, so you shouldn't lose no time a saddlin' your'n, though I don't doubt the ole woman'd git well ef you never gin her the light of your cheerful count'nance.

"He's stealin' my girl my Kate go out! call up the boys tell'em to stop Dan from saddlin' a horse for Kate " "Wait and listen!" cut in Buck Daniels. "D'you hear that?" On the wet ground outside they heard a patter of galloping hoofs, and then a wild whistling, sweet and keen and high, came ringing back to them. It diminished rapidly with the distance.

"As I observes, I've got a camp on the Caliente. Thar's ten ponies in my bunch, as I'm saddlin' three a day an' coverin' a considerable deal of range in my ridin'. Seein' as I'm camped yere some six months, I makes the aquaintance of the cattle for over twenty miles 'round. Among others, thar's a giant bull in Long's Canyon he's shoreiy as big as a log house.

"That might work," Parker said; "they'd be mighty near sure not to want to catch it." "We'll try it," Old Heck agreed. "Chuck wants to ride over to Eagle Butte anyway and he can have the depot agent send it and wait for a reply." "Go get your horse ready, Chuck," Parker said, "we'll write it while you're saddlin' up!"

Banjo knew that it was the hardest kind of weeping that tears the human heart. He put away his fiddle, and strapped the case. Then he went to her and laid his hand on her shoulder. "I'll have to be saddlin' up, mom," said he, his own voice thick, "and I'll say adios to you now." "Good-bye, Banjo, and may God bless you in that country you're goin' to so fur away from the friends you used to know!"

"I wanted to know how he knowed there was more of it, an' he said he'd been keepin' an eye on me, an' knowed there was a heap more of it somewhere around. "I fired him on the spot. There'd have been gunplay, but I got the drop on him an' he had to slope. Well, the next mornin' Luke Deveny rode up to where I was saddlin', an' told me I'd have to take Lawson back.

Good horses is of two kinds when you're saddlin' 'em. The Dutchman there'll hang his head down, and champ at the bit, even if you bury the girt' an inch deep in his belly; he's honest, and knows it's all needed. That's one kind; and they're generally the same at the post, always there or thereabouts, waitin' for the word 'go. An' they race pretty much the same all the time.