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"Oh, I see," sez I; "men represent wimmen when they want to, and when they don't wimmen have got to represent themselves." "Well, yes, Samantha, sunthin' like that." He didn't say anything more about representin' me, and Polly said she wuz goin' to ride in the parade with some other college girls.

Folks can dance here all the time from mornin' till night, if they want to, but we didn't want to dance no, indeed! nor see it; our legs wuz too wore out, and so wuz our eyes, so we wended on to the Lapland Village. The main buildin' in this is a hundred feet long, with a square tower in the centre. Above the main entrance is a large paintin' representin' a scene in Lapland.

"Young man," she breaks in, aimin' her lorgnette at me threatenin', "I prefer to discuss this matter with Mr. Robert." "Sorry," says I, "but as he's very busy he asked me to " "And who, pray," snaps the old girl, "are you?" "Representin' the president of the Mutual Funding Comp'ny," says I. "Just how?" she demands. "Private secretary, Ma'am," says I. "Humph!" she snorts. "This is too absurd of Mr.

The gentlemen representin' the other side are on the west shore of the river about a mile from here, an' after decidin' upon our argyment an' the manner of it we'll communicate it to 'em later whether they like our decision or not." They poured upon the common in a tumultuous throng, the women and children forming a continuous fringe about them.

"Tryin' to play 'Rag-Time Temple Bells, are you?" "Then I did register a tinkle, did I?" says I. "Tinkle! More like a riot call," says she. "Want to look at rooms?" "Not exactly," says I. "You see, I'm representin' " "Are you?" she crashes in crisp. "Well, say, you fresh agents are goin' to overwork this comedy cut-up act with our bell one of these times. Go on. Shoot it.

"Whativer do we want wi' the loikes o' yo representin us!" shouted another man, pointing at Tressady. "Look at 'im; ee can't walk, ee can't; mus be druv, poor hinnercent! When did yo iver do a day's work, eh? Look at my 'ands! Them's the 'ands for honest men ain't they, you fellers?"

"You might leave that box here," Jimmie called out, "if it's got anythin' to eat in it. We could eat a crocodile." "Be careful that the crocodiles don't eat you," warned the other and, seizing the box in a firmer grasp, walked out of the tent. "What do you make of it?" asked Jack. "The son of a senator," Jimmie replied, "is here representin' some big interest, an' that's the treaty box he's got.

Then, there was the canvass, representin the picter of a child of a British Planter, seized by two Boa Constrictors not that we never had no child, nor no Constrictors neither. Similarly, there was the canvass, representin the picter of the Wild Ass of the Prairies not that we never had no wild asses, nor wouldn't have had 'em at a gift.

Besides I'm not sure now whether he's a agent, representin' some principal, or the principal representin' hisself. And in that case I'd have to deal the cards different for him, and them he'd do harm to." "You are a humane man, Champers," Carey declared. "I think I've hated you, too, a good many years. These gray hairs of ours ought to make us better behaved now.

Then there are figgers in groups representin' the old laborious way of minin', old crushin' mortars and mills of ancient Mexico, propelled by mules, compared with the automatic tramways and hydraulic transmission of coal by a liquid medium, and all the other swift and modern ways. South Africa shows off her diamond fields.