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Then Lloyd pretended to be hurt, and Betty could tell from her voice just how she lifted her head with an air of injured dignity. "Remembah I gave you my promise, suh, the promise of a Lloyd. Isn't that enough?" "More than enough, my little Hildegarde." As they stepped out of the bushes together Betty saw him playfully pinch her cheek. Then Lloyd went on down the bank.

"I remembah, I remembah, The house where I was bawn, The leetle window where the sun Came peeping in at mawn." "Whose little son?" interrupted Dorris. "Shut up!" cried the president. "Well, I only wanted to know," said Dorris in an injured tone. "I should call it jolly good cheek of anybody's son to come peeping in through my bedroom window " "Shut up!" exclaimed Tinkleby. "Go on, Bos."

I'm lookin' for 'em to come home any minute now. Come right along in, honey. I've kep' yoah breakfus' good and hot." "I don't want anything to eat. I'm not hungry now. I'd rathah wait till lunch. Where's Betty, Mom Beck?" "Now listen to that!" ejaculated the old woman, sharply. "Don't you remembah? She went off on the early train this mawning to that place you all calls the Cuckoo's Nest.

The screw in the post stopped creaking as Lloyd sat straight up in the hammock to exclaim in astonishment: "Yes, I remembah, but how undah the sun, Phil Tremont, do you happen to know anything about that convahsation? You were not there." "No, but little Mary Ware was.

"Or maybe it was the time I banged her ovah the head with a toy teakettle. I remembah I did both those bad things, and that we were always in trouble whenevah we were togethah. I didn't want mothah to invite her, but she said she felt that we ought to. Eugenia's mothah is dead. She died three yeahs ago, and since then she's been kept in a boa'din' school most of the time.

An admirable wife she would make, indeed. At last supper was over and his chair pushed back from the table. With a long sigh of content, he stretched his long legs, tilted back and said: "Well, you done settled de case ez fur ez I is concerned." "What dat, Brothah Hayward?" she asked. "Well, I do' know's I's quite prepahed to tell you yit." "Hyeah now, don' you remembah ol' Mis' Eve?

"What did you think you heard him say?" "Him say right outer de air, 'Wash! Remembah, dis am de sebbenth yeah. Den Ah tuk a frenzy spell." "What do you mean by the seventh year?" questioned Miss Briggs. "Ah doan know. It's de hoodoo, Miss. Somet'n sure gwine happen to dis niggah." "Nonsense!" retorted Nora sharply.

Get a ring and " "Young ge'men," said the negro coachman, pushing forward and throwing aside the boys who were rushing at Jack, "Ah beg of yo' to remembah dat dis am against de rules and dat you will be severely chastised if not punished for dis." Herring picked himself up, brushed his clothes hastily and cried in angry tones: "You will have to give me satisfaction for that, Sheldon.

"Now remembah," warned Lloyd, as Rob slipped his box into his pocket and began looking around for his hat, "we have all promised to tell our dreams to each othah in the mawning. We'll wait for you, so come ovah early. Come to breakfast." "Thanks. I'll be on hand all right. I'll probably have to wake the rest of you." "Don't you do it!" exclaimed Phil.

He leaned comfortably back against the warm chimney and half-closed his eyes. The patter of the rain on the roof made him drowsy. "Well," assented Lloyd, "I can't tell it with as many frills and flourishes as Betty could, but I remembah it bettah than most stories, because I had to write it from memory."