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There was a moment's pause. Durtal's thoughts went back to the Benedictine nuns: "But," said he, "why do they put in the 'Semaine religieuse, after their title Benedictine Nuns of the Blessed Sacrament, this further name, 'Convent of Saint Louis du Temple?"

And when the peoples of Europe are thoroughly weary of the work of destruction, it may be they will turn to Him again for the secret of rest, and find that He alone can guide their feet into the way of peace. Sabatier, L'Orientation religieuse de la France actuelle. Armand Colin: Paris. W.K.L. Clarke, Facing the Facts; or, an Englishman's Religion. Nisbet.

It is all very well for Mademoiselle Susan, but you are not created for a religieuse. And again, it pleases you to spend hours with the stockbroker, who is as lacking in esprit as the bull of Joshua. He is no companion for you." "I am afraid," she said reprovingly, "that you do not understand Mr. Spence." "Par exemple!" cried the Vicomte; "have I not seen hundreds' like him?

Ponderevo, it is all right. It is all right. "Only Believe! 'Believe on me, and ye shall be saved'!" Close at hand was the doctor with one of those cruel and idiotic injection needles modern science puts in the hands of these half-educated young men, keeping my uncle flickeringly alive for no reason whatever. The religieuse hovered sleepily in the background with an overdue and neglected dose.

"Felicia, I mean to enquire into Daisy's wishes and purposes about this matter; and if I find them unobjectionable, I shall give her leave to go on with it." "You do not know what you are about, Mr. Randolph." "I shall find out, then," said the gentleman. "I would rather she would be a religieuse than a shadow." Daisy pondered over the doctor's counsel.

First came the "sacristain" in his black skirt and white soutane, then the banner held by two of the big girls; the group of little ones some of them quite tiny and so pretty with the wreaths of white roses on their black hair holding the cords and looking most pleased with their part of the function. Just behind them came the good old religieuse Soeur St.

Her veil was grey, and with the hat gave her somewhat the air of a religieuse, an aspect heightened by the perfect oval of her face; and something akin to a religious thrill ran through her. The automobile, with its brass and varnish shining in the sunlight, was waiting a little way up the street, and the first person Honora met in the vestibule of Delmonico's was Lula Chandos.

This lovely young Princess, who at sixteen had the exaltation of a religieuse, and was with difficulty won from her dreams of renunciation and a cloister, had become the wife of a man many years her senior, whom she did not love, and the idol of the brilliant world in which she lived. La Rochefoucauld had not yet disturbed the serenity of her heart, nor political intrigues her peace of mind.

La Religieuse is no continuation of the vein of defilement which began and ended with the story of 1748 a story which is one among so many illustrations of Guizot's saying about the eighteenth century, that it was the most tempting and seductive of all centuries, for it promised full satisfaction at once to all the greatnesses of humanity and to all its weaknesses.

The local Catholics regarded it as a reply to the municipal council's veto of the procession in honour of the Virgin. The report has just been published in the Semaine Religieuse, and concludes in favour of the absolute authenticity of the fact under inquiry. ....The last word rests with the bishop, who will decide according to the conclusions of the report of the special commission.