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But if Dicky likes to forgi'e him, well, we'll spare his life and redooce his punishment to two dozen at the gangway same as he got for Rudd and make him do Rudd's dooty 'til the poor chap's better; arter which the prisoner can be set to do all the dirty work o' the ship. How's that, shipmates?" "Ay, ay, Ben; that'll do, bo', that'll do fust-rate.

She came into the room bearing a small tray with a hot-water pot and a cup. She took this to Aurora, who helped herself to plain hot water, explaining: "I am trying to 'redooce. This is good for what ails me, they say. But I could never in the world think of it. Clotilde thinks of it for me, and she's that punctual! Clotilde, you're too punctual with this stuff. You don't suppose I like it?"

"'These gents, says Enright, 'is a quorum of that respectable body known as the Wolfville Stranglers, otherwise a Vig'lance Committee; an' your guns was took so as to redooce the chances of hangin' you the same bein' some abundant, nacheral, to minimum. Now who be you? also, what's your little game? "'My name's Benjamin Glegg, responds old Glegg. 'I owns the Sunflower brand an' ranch.

At last Dan Boggs, who's always bubblin' that a-way, speaks up: "'Which I'm shore sorry, says Dan, 'you don't fetch the moosic of that Purple Blossom's war-song West. I deems that a mighty excellent lay, an' would admire to learn it an' sing it some myse'f. I'd shore go over an' carol it to Red Dog; it would redooce them drunkards to frenzy." Where Whiskey Billy Died.

They've got some-thin' o' the same sort in France, an' over all the chief towns o' Europe, I b'lieve, but we don't need no such precautions in London. We're rich, you know, an' can afford to let scamps burn right an' left. It ain't worth our while to try to redooce the number of our fires. We've already got an average of about five fires every twenty-four hours in London.

"If you're totin' along a pile of dinero, you might," was the reply, "but there's a few cayuses in there that would surely redooce a big roll o' bills to pretty skinny pickin's. For example, this little bay I'm ridin' now ain't any special wonder, an' maybe he's only worth about fifty dollars, but you can't buy him for five hundred.