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Shore! the squaws has as much to say as the bucks among Injuns. They owns their own ponies an' backs their own play an' is as big a Injun as anybody, allowin' for that nacheral difference between squaw dooties an' buck dooties one keeps camp while the other hunts, or doorin' war times when one protects the herds an' plunder while the other faces the foe. You hears that squaws is slaves?

He merely prances out in onexpected places with a Winchester; stands up the stage in an onconcerned way, an' then goes through everythin' an' everybody, from mail-bags to passengers, like the grace of heaven through a camp-meetin'. Nacheral, it all creates a heap of disgust.

"An' t'other feller is a stujent?" "Yes." "Dem fellers is easy." "Then you will do the job for me, will you?" "Naw!" snorted Kelley. "Not on yer nacheral! Wot d'yer take me fer? I don't do notting of dat kind. I've got a repertation to sustain, I has." Ditson looked disappointed. "I am willing to pay well to have the job done," he sad. "Well, yer can find somebody ter do it fer yer."

I asked as I took a chair near the venerable musician. "Happy and healthy, I trust?" "Never feels better in my life," responded the Old Cattleman. "If I was to feel any better, I'd shorely go an' see a doctor." "You are a singer, I observe." "I'm melodious nacheral, but I'm gettin' so I sort o' stumbles in my notes.

'I yerewith furnishes the information cold, this camp of Wolfville knows its business an' don't have to be notified of nothin'. This yere outfit has a vig'lance committee all reg'lar, which I'm kettle-tender tharfor, an' when it comes nacheral to announce some notice to the public, you-alls will perceive me a- pervadin' of the scenery on a hoss an' promulgatin' of said notice viver voce.

"It's a day I puts in with Dave Tutt which makes what these yere law-sharps calls 'a case in p'int, an' which I relates without reserve. It gives you some notion of how a cowboy, havin' a leesure hour, onbuckles an' is happy nacheral. "This yere is prior to Dave weddin' Tucson Jennie.

"So help me God!" "Did Jerry want me to get Barry?" "Why wouldn't he?" persisted the vulture, twisting his bony hands together in an agony of alarm and suspense. "Ain't it nacheral, Mac?" Mac Strann wavered where he stood. "Somehow," he argued to himself, "it don't seem like killin' is right, here." The long hand of Langley touched his shoulder.

I never could endure the sight of a novel since. Perhaps that’s why Ben is so dumb about his booksjust holds a nacheral grudge against ’em along of my havin’ to borrow slips for him." Yellett?" inquired Judith, demurely. She paused for a moment.

Of course, we-alls onderstands it's 'cause 'Doby ain't puttin' up with no carpin' criticism of his old pard; which the same is nacheral enough. "Don't you-all ever notice, son, how once you takes to fightin' for a party an' indorsin' of his plays, it gets to be a habit, same, mebby, as fire-water?

Gaspar climbs back on his hoss and, while he's sitting there, pulls out a gun and shoots poor Quade dead. Don't that sound nacheral? He wouldn't marry Sally, but he didn't want another man to have her. And he wouldn't give up his soft berth in the house of Sally's brother. He knew Quade would never suspect him of having the nerve to fight.