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I absorbed at least half of the rainstorm between Wartrace and here. No more water would stick to me it just rolled off, finally." "I don't think I should like being a soldier," she said. "Do you?" "I haven't tried it. I'm just beginning." "Do you want to fight?" "It isn't a question of wanting to fight," he replied. "It's a question of duty." "Oh." She sat down and he took a chair beside her.

When we came out, rested, uplifted, and calmed as the effect of that glorious Venus always is upon our fretted spirits, we discovered that the most terrific rainstorm was in progress it ever was our luck to behold. The water came down in cataracts and blinding sheets of rain. Every one except us had been warned by the darkness and had got themselves home.

Soon after this he went to Paris, and, having picked up a few French sentences, undertook to pass off one upon a servant who took his cloak as he entered the hotel of a French celebrity in a violent rainstorm.

He says she was very much distressed by our failure to 'ave some one meet her with a launch when she got here last night, sir. As it was, she didn't reach the castle until nearly one, and she looked like a drowned rat when she got there, being hex exposed to a beastly rainstorm. See wot I mean?

So she had gone down to the orchard and sat in the crook of a tree, looking out at an opal estuary where a frail rainstorm spun like a top in the sunshine before the variable April gusts. She wondered how his dear brown face would look now he had outfaced danger and had been burned by strange suns.

The city is built upon a sandstone rock, and this furnishes much of the building material, so that most of the edifices have their exteriors disintegrated by the elements, particularly the churches a peculiarity that may have probably partly justified Dean Swift's epigram, written when his bile was stirred because a rainstorm had prevented some of the Chester clergy from dining with him: "Churches and clergy of this city Are very much akin: They're weather-beaten all without, And empty all within."

Soon both of them were soaked from top to bottom and it was impossible to count the hits. Their clothes were plastered to their bodies and they looked shrunken. Water was dripping everywhere as from umbrellas in a rainstorm. "They look jolly funny!" said the hoarse voice of one of the women. Everyone in the wash-house was highly amused.

Our day's journey terminated, in a driving rainstorm, on the banks of Wild Rice River, where are a trading-store, the cabin of the trader and a neat chapel of the Protestant Episcopal mission.

Then she turned her back on him and spoke to her father. "The weather is settled for this week. That rainstorm last night cleared things up beautifully. We ought to take the canoe trip, the one up to the Falls." "That's so," agreed Dr. Grayson. "How soon can you arrange to go?" "Tomorrow," replied Miss Judy. "Ah, a canoe trip," cried Monty brightly. "I ought to get quantities of notes from that."

The night of March 28, 182-, was precisely one of the nights that were wont to call forth these expressions of commiseration. The level rainstorm smote walls, slopes, and hedges like the clothyard shafts of Senlac and Crecy.