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"Gee," he cried, releasing the youngsters and pointing at the mess on the stove and floor. "Now ain't that a real pity? Say, how d'you come to do that? It sure ain't a heap of trouble heatin' a drop o' milk. Most any fule ken do that. I tho't you savvied that, I sure did, or I'd ha' put you wise. Y'see, you should jest let it ha' come to the bile, an' then whip it off quick.

This bile also contains digestive enzymes produced by the liver that permit the breakdown of fatty foods in the small intestine. Sometimes a large flow of bile finds its way into the stomach by pressure or is sucked into the stomach by vomiting. Excessive biliary secretion and excretion can also result from overeating, which overcrowds the area.

Some of the blacks brought it with them; it was of the small kind, and they told me it was good eating. We arrived at the Fort at three o’clock the next morning, when I was suddenly attacked with a severe headache and a violent fit of the bile. As this was nothing new to me, I kept myself quiet, and Nature was my best physician.

This carries them to the liver to be turned into bile; but the liver is not equal to the work, becomes loaded in its turn by unemployed materials, and grows and grows, till at last, having filled up all the space around it, it stops the play of the heart and lungs. When the animal is nearly suffocated they kill it; and this is how we come to have pates de foies gras to eat!

It would be difficult to predict the king's movements save by such weighty indications." He laid two fingers hard against the rib which shields the heart. It had become apparently necessary for the speaker to relieve a mind surcharged with bile at the mention of the king; for, having done, he rebuked with an amazed frown the indiscretion of Carlo, who had shouted, "The Carbonaro king!"

"Dis yer coffee hit's done 'mos' bile away," he remarked gloomily. "En ef'n it don' tase like hit oughter tase, 'tain' no use ter tu'n up yo' nose, caze 'tain' de faul' er de coffee, ner de faul' er me nurr." "How are you, old man?" asked Bland, turning over in the shadow. "Who's there?" responded Dan, as he peered from the light into the obscurity. "All the mess except Welch, poor devil.

One party strenuously contends that the phenomena of mind result from the peculiar organization of the brain, although they confess themselves to be as "entirely ignorant how the parts of the brain accomplish these purposes, as how the liver secretes bile, how the muscles contract, or how any other living purpose is effected."

"How I gwine teck cyar you like Ole Miss done tole me, w'en you let yo' bile git ter yo' haid like dis? 'Tain' no way ter do, suh." The Major was too full for silence; and, ignoring the Governor, who had hurried out to beseech him to return, he let his rage burst forth. "I can't help it, Congo, I can't help it!" he said.

Nobody appears to be aware that she has intended a rebellion, although "whole Fourth of Julys seem to bile in her veins." "Now," the teacher goes on, "we will turn to the right, singly. Turn! Keep up, ladies! Keep up! Ride straight! To the right again!

The life history, in brief, is as follows: Each adult is capable of producing an immense number of eggs which are carried down the bile ducts with the bile to the intestine, and are passed off with the faeces. Under favorable conditions for incubation, such as warm, moist surroundings, the ova or eggs hatch and the ciliated embryos become freed.