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But now we haena sic spirit amang us; we think mair about the warst wallydraigle in our ain byre, than about the blessing which the angel of the covenant gave to the Patriarch even at Peniel and Mahanaim, or the binding obligation of our national vows; and we wad rather gie a pund Scots to buy an unguent to clear out auld rannell-trees and our beds o' the English bugs as they ca' them, than we wad gie a plack to rid the land of the swarm of Arminian caterpillars, Socinian pismires, and deistical Miss Katies, that have ascended out of the bottomless pit, to plague this perverse, insidious, and lukewarm generation."

Hech! the ill luck o' yon man, no a ship come hame; ane foundered at sea, coming fra Tri-po-lis; the pirates scuttled another, an' ane ran ashore on the Goodwins, near Bright-helm-stane, that's in England itsel', I daur say. Sae he could na pay the three thoosand ducats, an' Shylock had grippit him, an' sought the pund o' flesh aff the breest o' him, puir body." Sandy Liston.

I gat the humle-cow, that's the best in the byre, frae black Frank Inglis and Sergeant Bothwell, for ten pund Scots, and they drank out the price at ae downsitting." "But, father," interrupted Jenny, "they say the twa reiving loons drave the cow frae the gudewife o' Bell's-moor, just because she gaed to hear a field-preaching ae Sabbath afternoon."

What prem. d'ye think it will bring?" "Twa pund a share, and maybe mair." "'Od, I'll apply for three hundred!"

Christie drew her aside, and learned that Gatty and his mother were just coming through from Leith; Christie ran for her eighty pounds, placed them in her bosom, cast a hasty glance at a looking-glass, little larger than an oyster-shell, and ran out. "Hech! What pleased the auld wife will be to see he has a lass that can mak auchty pund in a morning." This was Christie's notion.

Christie made a dash en Shylock, and the company trembled. Christie. "'Bide a wee, says the judge, 'this boend gies ye na a drap o' bluid; the words expressly are, a pund o' flesh!" "That's into your mutton, Shylock" "Oh, Jean! yon's an awfu' voolgar exprassion to come fra' a woman's mooth." "Could ye no hae said, 'intil his bacon'?" said Lizzie Johnstone, confirming the remonstrance. Christie.

After kissing each other very lovingly, and when they were just in the act of parting, the Bailie, in the fulness of his heart, and with a faltering voice, assured his kinsman, "that if ever an hundred pund, or even twa hundred, would put him or his family in a settled way, he need but just send a line to the Saut-Market;" and Rob, grasping his basket-hilt with one hand, and shaking Mr.

Many a row I have with my lord for thanking fellows, and saying he'll remember them instead of giving them sixpence or a shilling; but really I should say, if you were to give him forty or fifty pund say a fifty pund note, he'd be The rest of the sentence was lost by the appearance of Mr. Sponge, cantering up the avenue on the conspicuous piebald. Mr. Puffington and Mr.

"How much is that?" asked Lady Maitland. "Twunty pund, my leddy, twunty pund," answered Geordie. The money was handed to him by the lady, without saying a word; and, having again made a low bow, he departed. Next year, Geordie Willison went and paid a visit to Lady Maitland, got from her the same sum of money, and nothing passed to indicate what it was paid for.

An' noo, my leddy, I will favour ye by accepting, at yer hands, twenty pund." Geordie received, and counted the money, as usual, and, with a bow, retired. The six months of Birkiehaugh's confinement expired, and, about the same time, Sir Marmaduke Maitland died.