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You've been standing up to him. Now, haven't you?" Dion acknowledged that he had, and added: "But you, mother? How are you?" "Quite wickedly well. I ought to be down with influenza like all well-bred people, Esme Darlington has it badly, but I cannot compass even one sneeze." "Where's Omar?" Mrs. Leith looked grave. "Poor little chap, we must turn down an empty glass for him."

It gives me pleasure that, by mentioning his name, I connect his title to the just and handsome compliment paid him by Dr Johnson, in his book: 'A gentleman who could stay with us only long enough to make us know how much we lost by his leaving us. When we came to Leith, I talked with perhaps too boasting an air, how pretty the Frith of Forth looked; as indeed, after the prospect from Constantinople, of which I have been told, and that from Naples, which I have seen, I believe the view of that Frith and its environs, from the Castle Hill of Edinburgh, is the finest prospect in Europe.

In spirit he followed the water to Leith, and beyond, where it swung in a wide circle and hurried between wondrous hills like those in the backgrounds of the old Italians: hills of close-cropped pastures, dotted with shapely sentinel oaks and maples which cast sharp, rounded shadows on the slopes at noonday; with thin fantastic elms on the gentle sky-lines, and forests massed here and there silent, impenetrable hills from a story-book of a land of mystery.

When Mrs. Leith, Beatrice, Canon Wilton had appealed to him, he had said that he would do what he could some day, but that he felt time must be given to Rosamund, a long time, to recover from the tremendous shock she had undergone. He had waited. Something imperative had kept him back from ever going fully with Rosamund into the question of her separation from her husband.

A chap needs some rest if he's to do himself justice, hang it, mater, now!" "I know all about that!" She looked at him shrewdly, and he smiled on one side of his mouth. "Go on, mater!" "But having Mr. Leith here I thought I wouldn't do that. Mr. Leith's awfully fond of boys, and it seemed to me you might do him more good than any one else could." "Well, I'm blowed! D'you really think so?"

His Royal Highness the Duke of Edinburgh, with Prince Henry of Prussia, the officers of the fleet, and the Commissioners, disembarked and proceeded to the saloon in the new dock, where luncheon in honor of the occasion was given by the Leith Dock Commissioners. Illustrated London News, Aug. 6.

We became acquainted with many of the Grafton people whom we had not known before, and among others, the family of Mr. Mack Leith. We often went up to the Leiths in the evening to play croquet. Millie and Margaret Leith were very nice girls, and the boys were nice, too. Indeed, we liked every one in the family, except poor old Miss Emily Leith.

Apparently some of the aspects of this now significant omission on Austen's part were beginning to dawn on Tom. "I don't believe that," said Tom, "you can't expect me to sit here and look at you and believe that. How long has he known you?" "I saw him once or twice last summer, at Leith," said Victoria, now wavering between laughter and exasperation.

He was as cool as Cromwell, and after Mr. Tooting had left him to take charge once more of his own armies in the yield, the genlemon from Leith went to bed and slept soundly. The day of the battle dawned darkly, with great flakes flying.

I saddled my horse that very night and set out for Leith, but could get nae trace o' him. This was a terrible trial to us, and ye may think what it was when I tell ye it was mair than a twelvemonth before we heard tell o' him; and the first accounts we had was a letter by his ain hand, written frae Bengal.