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She sat a moment, swinging her foot in silence, and then broke out: "If I were a girl in a story-book, this disappointment would turn me into such a saintly, helpful creatuah that I'd be called 'The Angel of the Home. I've read about such girls.

A fortnight had passed, and had seemed nearly as long as a year, since Kate's return from Oldburgh, when one afternoon, when she was lazily turning over the leaves of a story-book that she knew so well by heart that she could go over it in the twilight, she began to gather from her aunt's words that somebody was coming.

A diary is a record of each day's events all the little things that happen from week to week sort of a written history of one's life." "H'm, I shouldn't think that would be fun," Peace commented candidly, still holding the unopened volume in her hand, thinking it was another uninteresting story-book. "I don't like writing any better than I do sewing."

Smith, but I couldn't keep it up has told me all sorts of interesting stories, and those about you four are the most entertaining. I listen to all your doings as though you were characters in a serial story. You don't mind, I hope?" "Mind? Of course not. We aren't story-book girls at all, though, but very flesh-and-bloody! Why didn't Dr. Helen tell us about you before, and let us come to see you?"

On a certain day shortly after Penelope had recovered from her very severe fit of indigestion, she was playing on the lawn, making herself, as was her wont, very troublesome, when Briar, looking up from her new story-book, said in a discontented voice: "I do wish you would go away, Penelope. You worry me awfully." Penelope, instead of going away, went and stood in front of her sister.

"I'll try to remember," was his careless answer. "As I was about to say, our discovery that you are not a lady out of a story-book, but a human being and a very sweet one it came just in the nick of time. We're leaving here to-night." Now she saw the reason for the persistence of the Craig of noise and bluster and craft. "To-night?" she exclaimed. "It's impossible." "Yes we go at five o'clock.

She was naturally rather idle, and her Aunt Peggy, who was a wise old woman and believed thoroughly in the proverb about Satan and idle hands, would keep her always busy at something. If she were not playing, she had to sew or study or dust, or read a stent in a story-book. Letitia had very nice story-books, but she was not particularly fond of reading.

I like, at any rate, to think so; because I have been in corners quite as awkward, yet have never known myself so pitifully demoralised. The uniform might be that of a British officer, but the face was that of Don Quixote de la Mancha, and shone at me in that blue light straight out of my childhood and the story-book.

She stood for a moment while she gave her fare to the cabman, and Katy looked as one who might not look again, and carried away a distinct picture of the unbeautiful, interesting, remarkable face. With all this to see and to do, the last week sped all too swiftly, and the last day came before they were at all ready to leave what Katy called "Story-book England." Mrs.

"Hazel's got a game leg, Geoff," said Spike, "an' she hops around on a little crutch. She told me yesterday she thought you was I mean were a fairy prince, because you always bow an' tip your lid to her when she says 'good morning. So now she waits for you every morning, Geoff says it makes her feel like she was a real fairy princess in a story-book. Sounds kind o' batty to me, though."