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Trials of a Public Benefactor, as Illustrated in the Discovery of Etherization. By Nathan P. Rice, M.D. New York. Pudney & Russell. 12mo. pp. 400. $1.00. The History, Object, and Proper Observance of the Holy Season of Lent. By the Rt. Rev. Wm. Ingraham Kip, D.D., Bishop of California. Tenth Edition. New York. Delisser & Proctor. 12mo. pp. 236. 75 cts. Life, Teachings, and Death of Socrates.

I burst out laughing, and I fear my laugh may have had an effect of impertinence. "Especially to Miss Anvoy, who's so easily shocked? Why do such things concern HER?" I asked, much at a loss. "Because she's there, exposed to all his craft. Mr. and Mrs. Pudney have been watching this: they feel she may be taken in." "Thank you for all the rest of us!

"It's not I it's Mr. Pudney!" cried Mrs. Saltram with a flush. "It's his own idea." "Then why couldn't he send the letter to you to be delivered?" Mrs. Saltram's embarrassment increased; she gave me another hard look. "You must make that out for yourself." I made it out quickly enough. "It's a denunciation?" "A real lady doesn't betray her husband!" this virtuous woman exclaimed.

Delisser & Proctor. 32mo. pp. 227. 50 cts. Shakspeare's Legal Acquirements Considered. By John Lord Campbell, LL.D., F.R.S.E. In a Letter to J. Payne Collier, Esq., F.S.A. New York. D. Appleton & Co. 12mo. pp. 146. 75 cts. The Pillar of Fire; or, Israel in Bondage. By Rev. J.H. Ingraham, Author of "The Prince of the House of David." New York. Pudney & Russell. 12mo. pp. 600. $1.25.

What difference can it make when she has lost her power to contribute?" Again Mrs. Saltram considered; then very nobly: "There are other things in the world than money." This hadn't occurred to her so long as the young lady had any; but she now added, with a glance at my letter, that Mr. and Mrs. Pudney doubtless explained their motives. "It's all in kindness," she continued as she got up.