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It was this telegram, brief but extremely comprehensive, received early on the morning of the twenty-sixth of April, which sent me post-haste to the old receiving-ship "New Hampshire," moored at the end of an East River dock. The telegram had been anxiously expected for several days by the members of the First Battalion, and when I reached the ship I found the decks thronged with excited groups.

The Minister of Public Instruction was ordered to frame post-haste an enactment embodying the spirit of the imperial resolution. Soon the new fruit of the Russian bureaucratic genius was ready to be plucked "the school norm," which was destined to occupy a prominent place in the fabric of Russian-Jewish disabilities.

Truth is, I'd got about sick of men, and thought I'd take a rest. I heard of this old place to be let furnished, came to see if it was half as nice as it sounded, and never even went back to England to collect Betty. Just couldn't leave it. Betty followed post-haste with the servants and heavy luggage, and and " "And the parrot?" I hazarded. "No. Oh, the linen and everything.

At the earliest moment, the emissary rushed back post-haste to Dr. Wiseman. 'All is well, he exclaimed; 'Newman no longer considers that he is in Anglican orders." Praise be to God! answered Dr Wiseman. 'But how do you know? Father Smith described what he had seen. 'Oh, is that all? My dear father, how can you be so foolish? But Father Smith was not to be shaken.

Turning aside to brush away a furtive and not unmanly tear, he would suddenly tear the death-warrant to shreds, and taking up another huge placard headed REPRIEVE, he would quickly fill it in and sign it. He would then hand it to the Private Secretary, who would instantly start post-haste for Cork.

Most certainly Peter Vanrenen had acted rightly in bringing her post-haste from Trouville. She must use all her skill if mischief were to be avoided. "Good-mornin', George." "Good-morning, dad." "Enjoy your run to Hereford?" "Immensely. Did you?" "It was not so bad.

His voice sank to the proper invalid level when he saw me coming, but on my way in I had overheard him bellowing away most lustily. I made him the usual compliments explained that this was the first I had heard of his illness, and that I had come to him post-haste and sat down at his side, in very gingerly fashion, lest I should touch his feet.

I thought more than ever that this was surely a mysterious remedy. A few weeks later I chanced to remember that in my ceaseless rounds of trying to regain my health and retain such as I had, no osteopathic doctor had ever been favored by a call from me. I went to consult with one post-haste. The osteopath wanted to pull my limbs both literally and metaphorically.

Then he lifted his head and looked hard at John Splendid. "I think," he said, "if I went post-haste to Edinburgh, I could be of some service in advising the nature and route of the harassing on the rear of Montrose. Or do you think do you think ?" He ended in a hesitancy, flushing a little at the brow, his lips weakening at the corner.

But this had just the contrary effect; for the whilom Hostess of the Stag o' Tyne, enraged at the Indignity offered to her, did so bemaul and bewray Madam Macphilader with her tongue, shaking her fist at her meanwhile, that the Gaoleress in a fury clawed at least two handfuls of M. Drum's hair from her head, not without getting some smart clapperclawing in the face; whereupon she cries out "Murther" and "Mutiny" and "Prisonrupt," and sends post-haste for Justice Palmworm, her gossip indeed, and one of those trading magistrates that so disgraced our bench before Mr.