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He had met her one night, and the next morning suggested the Ostend excursion. Too sudden, too capricious, of course; but she had always desired to see the cosmopolitanism of Ostend. Trouville she did not like, as you had sand with every meal if you lived near the front. Hotel Astoria at Ostend. Complete flat in the hotel. Very chic.

Two dripping, outstretched hands, two berets doffed, two picturesque giants bowing low, with a Frenchman's grace this, on the Trouville sands, was the last act of this little comedy of our landing on the coast of France. The Trouville beach was as empty as a desert.

Oliffe, an Englishman, was one of Emperor Napoleon's physicians, and he and the Duc de Morny were the founders of Deauville, which was very fashionable as long as Morny lived and the Empire lasted, but it lost its vogue for some years after the Franco-German War fashion and society generally congregating at Trouville.

After a few years he could not endure to be long out of England, and gave up the villa that he had shared at Trouville with Lord Henry, as well as the little white walled-in house at Algiers where they had more than once spent the winter.

He had heard the words 'Hortense Schneider, 'Hortense Schneider, repeating themselves in the conversation, and at last it had occurred to him that the conversation was about Hortense Schneider. "'Scuse me," he began again. "Are you do you mean Hortense Schneider?" "Yes," said Gerald. "We met her to-night." "She's in Trouville," said the Englishman, flatly. Gerald shook his head positively.

The American is an inartistic race!" But what about the shopkeeper from Huddersfield or Amiens? The shopkeeper from Huddersfield or Amiens will be flirting about on some entirely banal beach Scarborough or Trouville and for all he knows or cares Leonardo da Vinci might have been a cabman; and yet the loveliest things in the world are, relatively speaking, at his door!

At Trouville she astonished the natives with the startling novelty of her bathing-costumes; and, when she found herself the centre of a reasonable circle of lookers-on, she threw herself in the water with a pluck that drew upon her the applause of the bathing-masters.

She had had her first hemorrhage in October, immediately after her return from Trouville, where she spent her summers. Christmas Day brought the second a severe one, which was stopped barely in time.

I was simply ashamed to own such a cadaverous-looking wretch as you were when you came here last, and if you take my advice you'll stay at Trouville with Lord Ancoats and amuse yourself. As to that young man, of course it's no good, and his mother's a great fool to suppose that you or anybody else can prevent his enjoying himself. But these High Church women are so extraordinary."

"I gave a supper to her in Trouville last night," said the Englishman. "And she plays at the Casino Theatre to-night." Gerald was repulsed but not defeated. "What is she playing in to- night? Tell me that!" he sneered. "I don't see why I sh'd tell you." "Hm!" Gerald retorted. "If what you say is true, it's a very strange thing I should have seen her in the Champs Elysees to- night, isn't it?"