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He thanked Madame Pinson courteously, clapped the Princess under his arm and walked away, dragging his leg painfully, towards the house where he knew Mademoiselle de Doucine was waiting for him to attend her morning levée. At the corner of the Rue de l' Arbre-Sec, he met M. Spon, whose great nose dived almost into his lace cravat. "Good morning, Monsieur Spon," he greeted him.

Pinson; "an' what's more, I'll spit on my hands an' lay out any man ez'll dassen to sass 'em. But ez wives the women o' Jim-Ned air the outbeatenes' critters in creation!" These remarks, uttered in an oracular tone, were received with grave approbation by the half a dozen idlers gathered about the mesquite fire in Bishop's store.

The facts were gathered by one Nicholas Pinson from the mouths of Indians more or less concerned, from members of the Neville family, and from much sagacious conjecture; and woven, with an infinite deal of irrelevant detail, into a narrative which has been rigorously condensed in the present rendering.

"Are you going to tell us," asked one of us, "that the Boches aren't militarists?" "Yes, indeed, and in course they are," Termite consented to admit. "Ha! That bungs you in the optic!" Pinson hastened to record. "For my part, old sonny," said a Territorial who was a good soldier, "I'm not seeking as far as you, and I'm not as spiteful.

I was seated, I should have said, opposite to Captain Pinson, placed in that position, near the head of the table, in compliment to my father being an Englishman.

"Gawd be praised!" roared Tobe, inside the house. "Amen!" responded Jack, outside. "An' Tobe Cullum," announced Joe Trimble at Bishop's the next day, "have ordered up the fines' set o' shiny in Waco fer Sissy." "It beats me," said Newt Pinson; "but I allers did say that the women o' Jim-Ned, ez wives, air the outbeatenes' critters in creation!" The Courtship of Colonel Bill

An English officer, a Captain Brown, to whom I was paying a visit, and who was unwell at the time, begged that I would go instead of him, as I might be amused the Pastucians having the credit of being a set of rough diamonds. The next day about a dozen of us set out for the Pastucian lines, two leagues off Captain Pinson, the commander of the company, being our leader.

The loungers in the store had strolled out on the porch. "Mis' Cullum cert'n'y is a sister in Zion," remarked Mr. Trimble, gazing admiringly at her retreating figure. "M-m-m y-e-e-s," admitted Mr. Pinson. "But," he added, darkly, after a meditative pause, "Sissy Cullum is a wife, an' the women o' Jim-Nez, ez wives, air liable to conniptions." Mrs.

To this, museums, duchesses, and queens have sent laces that for centuries have been family heirlooms. But the cockades of Mimi Pinson by the thousands and thousands are given just as much space, are arranged with the same taste and by the same artist who grouped and catalogued the queens' lace handkerchiefs.

By a natural impulse I sprang towards the window, while I drew my sword, intending to support my companions. Captain Pinson had moved in the same direction, that he might have greater scope for his weapon. I was soon convinced that he was not mistaken in his supposition that treachery was intended, for three of the Patriot officers by this time lay stretched on the floor, stabbed to the heart!