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In the Greater Nubecula, within a compass of forty-two square degrees, Herschel reckoned 278 distinct nebulæ and clusters, besides fifty or sixty outliers, and a large number of stars intermixed with diffused nebulosity in all, 919 catalogued objects, and, for the Lesser Cloud, 244. Yet this was only the most conspicuous part of what his twenty-foot revealed.

We have reduced the psychological being to one single function, the intellectual, and to one single object of research, the truth. This is, however, an error which has often been committed, which is now known and catalogued, called intellectualism, or the abuse of intellectualism.

But I knew the ways of the house I was sure the melon would be brought in over night and put in the pantry ice-box. If there were only one melon in the ice-box I could be fairly sure it was the one I wanted. Melons didn't lie around loose in that house every one was known, numbered, catalogued.

But I knew the ways of the house I was sure the melon would be brought in over night and put in the pantry ice-box. If there were only one melon in the ice-box I could be fairly sure it was the one I wanted. Melons didn't lie around loose in that house every one was known, numbered, catalogued.

Under his gaze she had the sense of being minutely catalogued and valued; and the impression, when he finally rose and moved toward the door, of having been accepted as a better guarantee than he had had any reason to hope for.

As he took the chair pointed out to him, he was being catalogued by Bristow as showing too much uncertainty, even a womanish timidity. Bristow noticed also that his thick, soft blond hair was carefully parted and brushed, and that his fingers were much manicured. He breathed in short, quick gasps. "What is it? How how did it happen?" he asked, his gaze still on Bristow.

I now aim merely at an abundant home supply of fruits and vegetables, but in securing this, find pleasure and profit in testing the many varieties catalogued and offered by nurserymen and seedsmen. About three years ago the editor of "Harper's Magazine" asked me to write one or two papers entitled "One Acre," telling its possessor how to make the most and best of it.

More independent indeed, he is officially characterised as "an isolated phenomenon in Italian Art" was ANTONIO ALLEGRI, commonly called CORREGGIO, from the place of his birth. In 1518 he settled at Parma, where he remained till 1530, so that he is usually catalogued as of the School of Parma, which for an isolated phenomenon serves as well as any other.

It will not take very long to sort them." Oh wouldn't it, though! His heart sank miserably as he followed her progress round the room. "They'll have to be catalogued under their subjects alphabetically, of course." "Quite so." She continued with the same swiftness and serenity, mistress of his time and intelligence, as of her own luminous and elaborate plan.

Among the works of sculpture, set apart for the indifference of the public, was a female head, catalogued as 'A Nihilist' in itself interesting, and specially so to Marcella, because it was executed by an artist whose name she recognised as that of a schoolmate, Agatha Walworth. She spoke of the circumstance to Christian, and added: 'I should like to have that. Let us go and see the price.