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Not being very familiar with alchemical literature, Mr Wraxall spends much space which he might have spared in setting out the names and beginnings of the various treatises: The book of the Phoenix, book of the Thirty Words, book of the Toad, book of Miriam, Turba philosophorum, and so forth; and then he announces with a good deal of circumstance his delight at finding, on a leaf originally left blank near the middle of the book, some writing of Count Magnus himself headed 'Liber nigrae peregrinationis'. It is true that only a few lines were written, but there was quite enough to show that the landlord had that morning been referring to a belief at least as old as the time of Count Magnus, and probably shared by him.

You remember what is said in the Imitation: 'Si scires totam Bibliam exterius et omnium philosophorum dicta, quid totum prodesset sine caritate Dei et gratia? Besides, it gives me a headache to read too steadily. I require exercise in the open air. Do you hunt or fish, Monsieur de Buxieres?" "Neither the one nor the other." "So much the worse for you.

However, be this as it may, thus much appears on the face of the story, that Christ and Christianity had by that time begun to challenge the imperial attention; and of this there is an indirect indication, as it has been interpreted, even in the memoir of Marcus himself. The passage is this: "Fama fuit sane quod sub philosophorum specie quidam rempublicam vexarent et privates."

It is a contraction which conceals two other words." "Can you tell us what they are?" said the chevalier. "Certainly; aro comes from aroma, and ph is the initial of philosophorum:" "Did you get that out of Paracelsus?" said Farsetti, evidently annoyed. "No, sir; I saw it in Boerhaave."

Every one of these dicta appears to be open to serious objection. The word "miracle" miraculum, in its primitive and legitimate sense, simply means something wonderful. Cicero applies it as readily to the fancies of philosophers, "Portenta et miracula philosophorum somniantium," as we do to the prodigies of priests.

For Greek Philosophy I have used besides Plato and Aristotle, Diogenes Laertius and Philodemus, Diels, Fragmente der Vorsokratiker; Diels, Doxographi Graeci; von Arnim, Stoicorum Veterum Fragmenta; Usener, Epicurea; also the old Fragmenta Philosophorum of Mullach. The first volume of Dr. For Jewish thought before the Christian era Dr.

"Notre coeur est un instrument incomplet une lyre ou il manque des cordes, et ou nous sommes forces de rendre les accens de la joie, sur le ton consacre aux soupirs." * Quid aegrotus unquam somniavit quod philosophorum aliquis non dixerit? You ask me to give you some sketch of my life, and of that bel mondo which wearied me so soon.

If we have not known how to live, 'tis injustice to teach us how to die, and make the end difform from all the rest; if we have known how to live firmly and quietly, we shall know how to die so too. They may boast as much as they please: "Tota philosophorum vita commentatio mortis est;" Cicero, Tusc.

Sed credo deos immortalis sparsisse animos in corpora humana, ut essent qui terras tuerentur quique caelestium ordinem contemplantes imitarentur eum vitae modo atque constantia. Nec me solum ratio ac disputatio impulit ut ita crederem, sed nobilitas etiam summorum philosophorum et auctoritas.

When he came out, he said to me, 'Et hoc secundum sententiam philosophorum est esse beatus . BOSWELL. 'The philosophers, when they placed happiness in a cottage, supposed cleanliness and no smoke. JOHNSON. 'Sir, they did not think about either.