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Suddenly she set off running, stung by the thought of what might have already happened under the eyes of that unhappy wife, those wretched children. As she entered the village, a young fellow ran up to her in breathless excitement. "They've got 'im, miss. He'd come straight home 'adn't made no attempt to run. Ee wor goin' to make off 'is wife 'ad been persuadin' ov 'im all night.

"It's quite early," she said; "not much after six." "'Tis a dark night," said Patsy. "Maybe 'tis the way they'll be persuadin' him to wait till the moon rises. Sorra a bit she'll show her face till nine to-night." Mary O'Gara's heart sank. She knew that Patsy was nervous. "He may come at any moment," she said. "I don't think he'll wait for the rising of the moon."

Hope and faith were unquenchable in her, yet she had fortified herself to the wreck of dreams and love. "I'd seen you before now, but I had some job with Wils, persuadin' him that we'd not have to offer you congratulations yet awhile," replied Wade, in his slow, gentle voice. "Oh!" breathed Columbine. Wade saw her full breast swell and the leaping blood wave over her pale face.

You look a leetle mite like the man. It'll save vallible time if you make yer dear friend, Buck McKee, administrater uv yer estate without too much persuadin'. You had some objection oncet to my slittin' a calf's tongue. Well, you needn't be scared just yet. That's the last thing I'll do to you. Come, where's your cache?

D'ye see them handsome barkers of mine?" pointing to a fine display of eighteen- pounders, six of a side, mounted in the ship's main-deck battery. "Waal, I was in more'n half a mind to give ye a dose from them in answer to your shot; and yew may thank my mate here, Mr Silas Jenkins, for persuadin' me outer the notion! And what d'ye want, anyway, now that yew're here, and be hanged to ye?"

The big stiff Glidden, he called himself must be some shucks in thet I.W.W. He looked an' talked oily at first very persuadin'; but when I says I wasn't goin' to join no union he got sassy an' bossy. They made me sore, so I told him to go to hell.

Holt, how full our hearts are of the gratitude " She stopped, tears in her voice. "Sho! No need of that, Miss. He dragged me along." His thumb jerked toward the man who was driving. "I've seen better dog punchers than Elliot, but he's got the world beat at routin' old-timers out of bed and persuadin' them to kick in with him and buck a blizzard. Me, o' course, I'm an old fool for comin' "

Why, look at William, now the first time he axed me to marry him, I kept sayin' 'you're still slue-footed an' slack-kneed an' addle-headed an' I'll marry you whether or no. Twenty years may not change a man for the better, but it does a powerful lot toward persuadin' a woman to put up with the worst!" "Well, best or worst, I've seen enough of marriage, Mrs.

"Now, we'll see if the city gits its bond." Then he paused as if a thought had entered his head. "But, jest to keep the record clean, I reckon ye'd better give it to me yerself, young 'un. Jack Jellup ain't no burglar. Loosen him up, Domingo. And fur fear ye might need persuadin' jest take a peek at this," and he drew his revolver. When Ned had been liberated, Jellup pointed to the money belt.

So he betted his pile He could handle them snakes; And he tried, with a smile, And a rattler he takes, Feeling safe as they'd somehow been doctored; but bless you, that sarpent awakes! Waken snakes! and they DID And they rattled like mad; For it was not a "kid," But some medicine he had, Injun Joe, for persuadin' the critters but William's bit powerful bad.