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Pegtop had come into the room, and while he was placing my clothes in order, I asked him "What this could be gout, think you, Massa Pegtop gout?" "Gote, massa gote no, no, him chiger, massa chiger little something like one flea; poke him head under de kin, dere lay egg; ah, great luxury to creole gentleman and lady, dat chiger; sweet pain, creole miss say nice for cratch him, him say."

Pegtop came closer to me, and said in a low, mysterious voice: "Aint so sartin about him, massa; nice little fat man, but tinks too much of his belly. Not 'zactly sartin if he'll fight or not."

'Hallo, Pegtop! what are you after now? she cried, as she drew near. 'This man has been extremely impertinent. You know him, Milly? I said. 'Why that's Pegtop Dickon. Dirty old Hawkes that never was washed. I tell you, lad, ye'll see what the Governor thinks o't a-ha! He'll talk to you.

Whereaway, my lad? a little above the salt, an't you?" ejaculated our amigo; while Pegtop, who had just come on shore, and was standing behind his master, stared and gaped in the greatest wonderment.

It's a habit that dates back to the era when women wore ringlets and white book-muslin, and men sported shaggy white beaver hats and pegtop trousers, and all the world read the novels of Lever and Dickens." "Have Lever and Boz gone out?" asked Beauvayse, pocketing his pyramid ball. "I play at Blue." He hit Blue scientifically off the cushion and went on.

He makes belief now he does not see us; but he does, though, only he's afraid we'll tell the Governor, and he thinks Governor won't give him his way with you. I hate that Pegtop: he stopped me o' riding the cows a year ago, he did. I thought Pegtop might have done worse.

"Why, it may be a creole luxury, Pegtop, but I wish you would relieve me of it." "Surely, massa surely, if you wish it," said Pegtop, in some surprise at my want of taste. "Lend me your penknife den, massa;" and he gabbled away as he extracted from my flesh the chiger bag like a blue pill in size and colour.

Now, my hat there walk before me, and fan me with the top of that herring barrel." This was a lid of one of the wadding tubs, which, to come up to Jigmaree's notions of neatness, had been fitted with covers, and forth stumped Bang, preceded by Pegtop doing the honours.

Here Pegtop doubled himself up, and laughed like to split himself. "Dem is all dining in bed, Massa. Shall I show you to dem?" "I shall be obliged; but don't let me intrude. Give my compliments, and say I have looked in simply to enquire after their health." Here Mr Wagtail shouted from the inner apartment. "Hillo! Tom, my boy! Tom Cringle! here, my lad, here!"

Sheltie is the small Scotch mountain pony, active and strong. Peery means pegtop. But not above a quarter of the children had pet names. To gain one was to reach the highest honour of the school; the withdrawal of it was the severest of punishments, and the restoring of it the sign of perfect reconciliation.