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When, if ever, I am tempted to preen myself on some peculiarly close piece of ratiocinative reasoning, I shall say: 'Little man, pigmy, remember the gray car." "You think that some one had the impudence to follow us, watch us in Waterloo, and take up Theydon's trail when we had revealed it?" "A-ha. It touched you, too, did it?" "But why?" "The some one in question wants to know that."

Fishes and builds boats occasionally," put in the boat-builder. "Is that all? Nothing else?" "He preaches now and then not regularly," said Mr. Main. A-ha! I thought. A religionist! "A preacher is expected to set a good example," I said. "He ain't a regular preacher," said Mr. Main, rather quickly. "He's just kind of around in religious work." "What do you mean?"

"If I remember right, he has a boy on th' force." "Goowan," said Mr. Dooley, "with ye'er nineteenth wa-ards. Th' Taaffe I mane is in Austhria. Where in all, where in all? No: yes, by gar, I have it. A-ha! "But cur-rsed be th' day, Whin Lord Taaffe grew faint-hearted An sthud not n'r cha-arged, But in panic depa-arted." "D'ye mind it, th' pome by Joyce? No, not Bill Joyce.

"Well, well," cried he, "we've got lots o' tea an' sugar, an' some flour; we can git on wi' that till we shoot another buffalo, or a-ha!" Dick observed a wild turkey stalking among the willows as he spoke. It was fully a hundred yards off, and only its head was seen above the leaves.

"A-ha!" said I to myself, "I've nailed you, my friend. You're a desk-clerk, and you write all day long, standing at a desk. The worn top button rubs against your desk as you stand, which it would not do were you seated." With a pardonable curiosity to learn if I were right, I opened conversation with the young man.

With a cry, Barrett came at him and seized his lean throat. "You damned highbinder!" he gasped. "You saddle-nosed monkey! You'll get me what I want or I'll give you away. Don't I know why you're up here in these woods, with your pretty clothes and your English talk? A-ha! You bet I do! You're hiding, and you're wanted," he dropped his voice to a whisper, "the tongs would pay head-money for you.

"Aunt Lulu!" cried Dwight. "A-ha! So Aunt Lulu was along. Well now, that alters it." "How does it?" asked his Ina crossly. "Why, when Aunt Lulu goes on a jaunt," said Dwight Herbert, "events begin to event." "Come, Di, let's hear," said Ina. "Ina," said Lulu, "first can't we hear something about your visit? How is " Her eyes consulted Dwight.

"Play me something from the opera The Brave and Charming General Anisimov, or, A Hubbub in the Coolidor. My regards to the little political economist Zociya. A-ha! Then you kiss only at Easter? We shall write that down. Ooh-you, my Tomalachka, my pitty-itty tootsicums!" An untranslatable pun on Economochka, a diminutive for "housekeeper." Trans.

Most iv thim put on their blue overalls whin they was mustered out an' wint up an' ast f'r their ol' jobs back an' sometimes got thim. Ye can see as manny as tin iv thim at the rollin'-mills defindin' th' nation's honor with wheelbahr's an' a slag shovel." Mr. Hennessy looked out at the rain dripping down in Archey Road, and sighed, "A-ha, 'tis a bad spell iv weather we're havin'."

"Why?" demanded Maskull, following, however, the example of the other two men. Krag thumped his vast chest, which was covered with thick hairs, like an ape's. "Who knows what the Tormance fashions are like? We may sprout limbs I don't say we shall." "A-ha!" exclaimed Maskull, pausing in the middle of his undressing. Krag smote him on the back. "New pleasure organs possible, Maskull.