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"I think I won't go out again, Donald," said Mr. Ramsay, when Captain Patterdale had left. "I don't feel very well, and you may go alone." "Do you feel very sick, father?" asked the son, in tones of sympathy. "No; but I think I will go into the house and take some medicine. You can run over to Turtle Head alone," added the boat-builder, as he walked towards the house.

"Nicholls," Tavernake said, "you don't remember me, do you?" The boat-builder shook his head slowly and ponderously. "There was Richard Tavernake who farmed the low fields," he remarked, reminiscently. "Maybe you're a son of his. Now I come to think of it, he had a boy apprenticed to the carpentering." "I was the boy," Tavernake answered. "I soon had enough of it and went to London."

"I am very much obliged to you, Don John; and the next time I make a suit of sails for you, you needn't pay me till you get ready," said the sail-maker, as he put the money in his wallet. "I didn't pay for this suit till I got ready," laughed the boat-builder; "and when you get up another, I hope I shall be able to pay you the cash for them."

The finished connection was not beautiful, but it seemed strong enough at least, as strong as the rest of the machinery; and with that job their labours came to an end. All that remained was to connect up the engines, and to get food and water. The skipper and four men dealt with the Malay boat-builder by night chiefly; it was no time to haggle over the price of sago and dried fish.

You are the boat-builder, and you should bestow your attentions upon Maud Rodman, after whom the yacht was named. She is the daughter of the man who gave you the job. If you will just keep away from Nellie, I can paddle my own canoe, as you say." "Mr. Cavendish," interposed Mr. Rodman, "I believe you are not a member of the Belfast Yacht Club." "I am not yet, but I intend to join," replied Laud.

And then, seemingly displeased with himself for having allowed his tongue to get the better of his dignity, he walked away to the fire, musing, doubtless, on the difference between Maurice Frere, with a quarter of a million, disporting himself in the best society that could be procured, with command of dog-carts, prize-fighters, and gamecocks galore; and Maurice Frere, a penniless lieutenant, marooned on the barren coast of Macquarie Harbour, and acting as boat-builder to a runaway convict.

It was found that two of her planks had been stove, and that the damage could be easily repaired. Mr. Walker proposed sending to Boston for a boat-builder; but Captain Sedley was sure that Uncle Ben, with the assistance of the wheelwright, could repair her quite as well. The Bluebird then returned to the beach, and the boys were dismissed till three o'clock.

The boat-builder protested that he knew nothing about these papers, and had never seen them before in his life. Mrs. Ramsay and Barbara wept as though their hearts would break; but Donald was led away by the sheriff. That night Captain Shivernock returned by the train from Portland. Mr. Beardsley, the deputy sheriff, conducted Donald to the elegant mansion of Captain Patterdale.

"I wasn't aware you had relatives down here," the boat-builder observed, turning toward Robert Morton with interest. "I imagined you came to the Cape because of the Galbraiths." "Oh, no. I didn't know the Galbraith's were here until the other day." "Really!" The single word was weighted with incredulousness. "'Twas the funniest thing you ever knew how it happened," put in Willie.

I wondered what I should do myself if I were in his shoes. I could only think of one way of doing it. I might land the launch over to some boat-builder or repairer, with directions to make a trifling change in her. She would then be removed to his shed or yard, and so be effectually concealed, while at the same time I could have her at a few hours' notice." "That seems simple enough."