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Half a mile or so further on they caught sight of a figure evidently engaged in stalking game among the trees, or so they judged from his cautious movements. "White man!" said Jeekie, and Alan nodded.

Everybody made haste to finish his noon-day meal, and nobody thought of complaining especially that this repast was so sparingly provided and served in such small portions, and that the dread specter of hunger was ever stalking nearer to the inhabitants of the unhappy, much-plagued town.

Several fellows rose to join him and just at that minute Westy Martin, of the Silver Foxes, and a scout from a Maryland troop who had been stalking, came rushing pell-mell into camp. "The woods are on fire!" gasped Westy. "Up the hill! Look!" "I seed it," said Jeb. "The wind's bringin' it." "You can't get through up there," Westy panted. "We had to go around." "Ye couldn't get round by now.

"I'spect they got wind of somebody; most likely thet guide, an'll be back again. If they ain't, it's because they got switched off by some signs or tokens, skeered, perhaps, by the scent of the wind." Hardly had he ceased speaking when again the circle of light was invaded by stalking forms. "I thought so! Here comes the skulkin' varmints," whispered the teamster. But he was wrong.

He switched the conversation on to another subject, and, after a decent interval, excused himself on the plea that he must "unpack his traps." Ann watched him stalking back to the house with gravely wistful eyes.

It remained by her now, as she stood after luncheon at one of the open windows, watching the up-rolling thunder-cloud, the spattering raindrops, the quaintly solemn behaviour of the stalking, striding rooks. Honoria was easily entertained to-day. She felt well-disposed towards every living creature. And the rooks diverted her extremely.

To supplement this, the son wrote that he hoped to be able to go home in the early spring. This had the desired effect. Any remorse of conscience he may have felt over the deception resorted to was soon forgotten in following a pack of hounds or stalking deer, for hunting now became the order of the day. The antlered buck was again in his prime. His favorite range was carefully noted.

The crocodile passed him, but not another living thing, not a sound, not a movement; and yet he knew well that sudden death might be at the next tree, or stalking him from behind. He swore this terrible oath: "Hook or me this time." Now he crawled forward like a snake, and again erect, he darted across a space on which the moonlight played, one finger on his lip and his dagger at the ready.

I won't play with you any more, Lord Silverbridge, because I am beginning to think it is unladylike to exert myself." "Are you not glad you came over?" said Lady Mabel to him as he was going off the ground almost without seeing her. "Pretty well," he said. "Is not that better than stalking?" "Lawn-tennis?" "Yes; lawn-tennis, with Miss Boncassen." "She plays uncommonly well." "And so do you."

"He knows the poor better than the big guns who are always talking about civil service and reform." Indeed, what headway can the notion of civic purity, of honesty of administration make against this big manifestation of human friendliness, this stalking survival of village kindness? The notions of the civic reformer are negative and impotent before it.