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"I I know how partic'lar you are you used to be about such things, and I thought maybe you didn't like the way that button was sewed on." He glanced up at her with an embarrassed smile, which broadened as he noticed her expression. "Well," she admitted, "you guessed right. There's some things I can't bear to have in my neighborhood, and your kind of sewin' is one of 'em.

Then such a cataract of obscenity and invective from Price and Mosey, while Cooper remarked gravely: "Them ain't our bullocks, Willerby; them's station cattle shoved in that paddick for something partic'lar. An' that kangaroo dog ain't makin' matters much better. And, to be sure, there was Pup looping himself along the plain in hot pursuit.

"That warn't bad!" said he. "The bob in partic'lar. Now I reckon you're made safe." "Indeed, you may rely on me. But would you kindly do one thing just this one! Give me your name and address, and wait to hear from me before you come to the Cottage. 'Tis only for a short time a day or two at most."

But I've seen ten thousand on their backs in the Soudan, and it gave me no such feelin', for when you are makin' history the life of any man is too small a thing to worry over. When a thousand million pass over together, same as happened to-day, you can't pick your own partic'lar out of the crowd." "I wish it were well over with us," said the lady wistfully. "Oh, George, I am so frightened."

Dat's his bestest rubber plant what he tol' me to take partic'lar care of. What will you lil' w'ite childern be up to next, I'm a-wondering?" "Why, Mun Bun!" murmured Russ. "Why, Margy Bunker!" exclaimed Rose. He did not consider the mischief he had done. He was as curious as Vi could possibly have been about an entirely different thing.

That's his 'nitials, if you want to know J. W. I worked them on the pouch myself. I've spun him a web for a jacket, too. Sweethearting with the miner fellows while Jemmy's been away? Have I, d'ye say? How people will be talking!" "Aw, no offence at all. But sorry you're not keeping another string to your bow, missy. These sailor lads aren't partic'lar, anyway.

He may be a duke, for all ye know, or maybe only a plain Irish gentleman come to grief. Them bottles ye showed me last night had arms engraved on 'em, and his initials. I noticed partic'lar, for I've seen them things before. My father, when he was young, was second groom for a lord and used to tell me about the silver in the house and the arms on the sides of the carriages.

The lady's eyes all at once comes down on my grandfather, partic'lar an' personal, like a milk-crock from a high shelf. ""An' I means you speshul," says the lady, p'intin' the finger of scorn at my grandfather. "The idee of you standin' thar smokin' in my very face, an' me a totterin' invalid. It shorely shows you ain't nothin' but a brute. If I was your wife I'd give you p'isen."

He's a likely lad, an' he'll have all the Bush Farm when his father goes, as must be afore long, i' the course o' nature. The two farms 'll goo very well in a ring fence. Theer's no partic'lar hurry, as I know on, an' we'll ha' the weddin' next wik, or the wik after. The girl's breast was labouring cruelly, in spite of the hand that strove to still it. 'Father! she said. 'You don't mean it!

"Texas Thompson is a jedge of whiskey sech as any gent might tie to. He's a middlin' shot with a Colt's .44 an' can protect himse'f at poker. But nobody ever reckons before that Texas can think. Which I even yet deems this partic'lar time a inspiration, in which event Texas Thompson don't have to think. "It's over in the Red Light the second after. noon when Texas turns loose a whole lot.