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San Francisker life! and b'gosh, you've dropped into it! Considerably amused at the man's simplicity, Kane replied good-humoredly: "Danced among some champagne bottles on a table at a party, fell and got cut by glass." The stranger nodded his head slowly and approvingly as he repeated with infinite deliberateness: "Danced on champagne bottles, champagne! you said, pard? at a pahty! Yes!"

"Looks like a clean sweep has been made of the Hahdy gang except Hahdy himself. I reckon I'll ride in and get him, so's to make the pahty complete." "Hardy!" the officer ejaculated. "I want that malo hombre and mighty bad, dead or alive!" "Let us go along!" burst out Tip. "No," laughed the Texan quietly. "Yo' boys have had enough dangah and excitement fo' one day, not includin' yestahday.

You remembah I told you 'bout them. They bought that pet beah from a tramp and neahly frightened me to death at their valentine pahty. I went into a dahk room, where it was tied up, and didn't know it was theah till it stood up on its hind feet and came at me. I neahly lost my mind, I was so sca'd." "Oh, yes," cried Joyce.

"Any mo' ob yo' pahty to go abo'd to-night, sah?" "No," Jack answered. "I'll be the last one to put off to-night." Nor did he forget to reward the darkey's enterprise by handing him rather more than the usual boat hire. As he stepped aboard Jack found Hal pacing the platform deck. "Keeping deck watch, old fellow? I'm glad see that," Captain Jack said, commendingly. "Yes; I'm on until midnight.

The Texan quickly told his sentinels. "I'm ridin' out to see what it is," he said. "Keep a close watch while I'm gone. I'm on a little scoutin' pahty of mah own. It might be that Quiroz has followed me which I doubt. And it might be The Terror!" Mounting Blizzard, he was quickly swallowed up in the darkness. Kid Wolf knew that the camp fire was many miles away.

He came at once, and when I described you " He laughed harshly. The Don removed The Kid's revolvers and threw them on the table. The major's derringer did not waver. "I see that yo' have prepared quite a surprise pahty fo' me," said The Kid calmly. "Remember that theah are all sorts of surprises. I didn't have to come back heah, yo' know. The cattle I want are at Mariposa."

"And de goose dey'd picked out fo' dat Christmas dinner sho' was a noble bird ya-as'm! Dere was an army ob geese aroun' de pond, but de one dey'd shet up fo' two weeks, an' fed soft fodder to wid er spoon, was de noblest ob de ban'," said Uncle Rufus, unctuously. "Well, dar warn't time tuh send on to Richmon' fo' a sho' 'nuff cook, an' de dinnah pahty was gaddered togedder.

That was one of my birthday presents, havin' my own way about cuttin' my hair, and anothah was the house pahty. Oh, you don't know anything about the house pahty I'm to have in June, do you!" she cried, every trace of displeasure vanishing at the thought.

"This is the nicest pahty I evah was at," remarked the Little Colonel, as Walker helped her to jam the third time. Her grandfather chuckled. "Blackberry jam always makes me think of Tom," he said. "Did you ever hear what your Uncle Tom did when he was a little fellow in dresses?" She shook her head gravely. "Well, the children were all playing hide-and-seek one day.

Mr. Colbrith nebber goes nowhah's 'dout he teks a pahty in de cyar." "Heavens!" groaned Ford, under his breath; "as if the thing wasn't complicated enough without making a picnic of it!" Then aloud. "I wish to go in. My name is Ford, and Mr. Colbrith is expecting me." "Sho' you isn't a newspapuh man?" "Of course not," said Ford shortly.