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If we don't look out the ghosts will ooze over the whole house. Ooh!" Nancy did not answer but set the treadle to its duty. The clacking noise emphasized Joan's nervousness. "Aunt Dorrie doesn't know what to do here that's why she takes to the chapel. That's why everyone takes to chapels." Nancy broke her thread and Joan laughed.

"I suppose so," said Kedzie, who was as much taken aback by the mention of economy at such a time as he was by the mention of expenditure. But she rose bravely to the responsibility: "I'll do the best I can, and we'll be so cozy ooh!" Kedzie was used to small figures. He put into her hand all the cash he had with him, which was all he had on earth forty-two dollars.

Eyes rushing water and one profile now resembling a slab of bloodied liver, the man reeled about in a circle as if bereft of sight. "Oh-hh! Ooh! No-o! Ah-hh!" The wild, moaning cry for quarter came gaspingly out of puffed, blood-foamed lips. But there was no mercy in Slavin. He looked round at the wrecked bar, the glass-slashed bleeding faces of his men and the rest of the saloon's occupants.

His breath rustled; and each puff from his hoarse throat, blowing out the thin flesh of his cheeks, escaped through a little opening on one side of his sunken lips, which each time opened and shut. "Ooh! Ooh! Ooh!" cried Barbara. "That's bad, that's bad," said Stanse and shook her head. "His eyes are shut and yet he's not asleep!" "Zeen!

See? Right down the ravine there? See the big limb swaying? That's the place. The old lady is carrying her joke too far. That's pretty close home. Stand right there, please. I won't let it rain in on you." "You are very good, Mr. King. I I've always thought I loved a storm. Ooh! But this is too terrible! Aren't you really afraid you'll be struck? Thanks, ever so much."

It was three o'clock of a late July day and, while the sun was hot, the breeze gave promise of a cool night. "Ooh! ooh!" Just at first Greeley thought the fly had adopted a more militant tone. "Oooh ooh!"

We use consonants where the bird uses none, as when we give the name cuckoo to a bird whose cry is really "ooh, ooh." Or else we put in the wrong consonants, which is shown by the fact that different nations assign different consonantal sounds to the same bird. We do not even agree on the vowel sounds.

"No bother at all," Dad said; but Joe sat down, and Dad scowled at him. Then Dad got talking about wheat and wallabies when, all at once, the pressman gave a jump that rattled the things on the table. "Oh-h-h!...I'VE got it now!" he said, dropping his knife and fork and clapping his hands over his mouth. "Ooh!" We looked at him. "Got what?" Dad asked, a gleam of satisfaction appearing in his eyes.

They almost thought they could smell the surprise as well as the pies. It came at last, that is the surprise did, for, just after supper, the Toyman disappeared, probably to do some of his chores. A little while later there came a tap at the window. Marmaduke turned. Jehosophat turned. Hepzebiah turned. "Ooh, ooh!" said she; "Golly!" said Marmaduke; and "Gee whiz!", Jehosophat.

Miss Shoemaker, let me make you acquainted with my wife. Now, you girls'll have to get a move on if you want to see anything." The male escorts grasp the ladies' arms and shove them ahead, that being the only way if you are ever going to get any place. The women gasp and pant and make a great to-do. "Ooh! Wait till I get my breath. Will! Weeull! Don't go so fay-ust! Oooh! I can't stand it.