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The international non-proliferation effort requires the support of suppliers as well as importers of nuclear technology and materials. We have been proceeding on a number of fronts: First, we have been seeking to encourage nations to accede to the Non-Proliferation Treaty.

Nuclear proliferation would raise the spectre of the use of nuclear explosives in crucial, unstable regions of the world endangering not only our security and that of our Allies, but that of the whole world. Non-proliferation is not and can not be a unilateral U.S. policy, nor should it be an issue of contention between the industrialized and developing states.

While differences remain, the INFCE effort provides a broader international basis for national decisions which must balance energy needs with non-proliferation concerns. Finally, we are working to encourage regional cooperation and restraint.

The international non-proliferation effort requires the support of suppliers as well as importers of nuclear technology and materials. We have been proceeding on a number of fronts: First, we have been seeking to encourage nations to accede to the Non-Proliferation Treaty.

Nuclear proliferation would raise the spectre of the use of nuclear explosives in crucial, unstable regions of the world endangering not only our security and that of our Allies, but that of the whole world. Non-proliferation is not and can not be a unilateral U.S. policy, nor should it be an issue of contention between the industrialized and developing states.

We continue to give high priority to our non-proliferation goals in the area in the context of our broad global and regional priorities. The decision to continue supply of nuclear fuel to the Indian Tarapur reactors was sensitive to this effort. The United States has achieved a new level of trust and cooperation with Africa.

We continue to give high priority to our non-proliferation goals in the area in the context of our broad global and regional priorities. The decision to continue supply of nuclear fuel to the Indian Tarapur reactors was sensitive to this effort. The United States has achieved a new level of trust and cooperation with Africa.

While differences remain, the INFCE effort provides a broader international basis for national decisions which must balance energy needs with non-proliferation concerns. Finally, we are working to encourage regional cooperation and restraint.