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I was that way once.... Cleve heard me talking to Pearce about Gulden. And he said, 'Kells, I'll pick a fight with this Gulden and drive him out of the camp or kill him." "What did you say?" queried Joan, trying to steady her voice as she averted her eyes. "I said 'Jim, that wins me. But I don't want you killed.... It certainly was nervy of the youngster.

He pulled up to watch the next race four nervy little cow-horses of true range breeding, going down to the quarter post. "They 're going to make false starts aplenty," Bud remarked after the first fluke. "Jeff and I have it out next. I'll just give Smoke another treatment." He dismounted, looked at Jerry undecidedly and slapped him on the knee.

"Most unexpectedly there has come to me an opportunity to get some exceptional pictures. I need resourceful, nervy operators to act as camera men, and it is only paying you two a deserved compliment when I say I at once thought of you." "Thank you," murmured Blake. "No thanks necessary," responded Mr. Hadley. "So now I am ready to put my offer into words. In brief, it is "

"I don't understand why I did n't realize that before with Elaine here. You 'd think she would make a man realize that." Donaldson did not answer. "I think one reason is," continued the boy, "that until now, until lately, she's been so nervy herself that she did n't seem to need any one. She 's been stronger than I. But last night she looked like a little girl.

This had the effect of bringing Miss Bartlett promptly to her feet, and the next instant poor Quin was saying in an agony of regret: "I'm sorry, Miss Bartlett. I didn't mean to be nervy. Honest, I didn't. Wait a minute please " But she was gone, leaving him to spend the rest of the afternoon searching for a phrase sufficiently odious to express his own opinion of himself.

And such nerveless or nervy creatures as they were! From the top of a cliff, one day, I watched a band of them go down a nearly perpendicular wall. I could not follow, though I did go part way down to where the wall bulged outward. There the ledges had crumbled away, leaving sheer, smooth rock. It did not seem possible that anything could go down that smooth face.

"Pray don't consider me," said Carley. The rather crude drift of the conversation affronted her. "Well, my dear," put in Glenn, "it's a bad night outside. We'll all make our beds here." "Glenn, you shore are a nervy fellow," drawled Flo.

It's no time to quit till you're eighty in such a good old state as Kansas," Leigh asserted. "Only, big as he is, he's not a real strong man, and crumples down where small nervy men stand up." "Well, lady landlord, how can I advise you? You are past advising. You have already bought," Thaine said. "You can tell me how to pay for the ranch," Leigh declared calmly.

And when, melodiously obstinate, she had insisted on going off to entomb herself in Italy for a whole month with queer people she had got out of an advertisement, refusing even to take her maid, the only explanation her friends could imagine was that poor Scrap such was her name among them had overdone it and was feeling a little nervy. Her mother had been distressed at her departure.

Do you want them to see those ugly bodies?" he pointed to the two dead Yaquis, stretched ghastly and plain in the moonlight. "I shall pull them into the shadow of the bushes." "Well, he's nervy for a piano player, ain't he?" murmured Scott, as he and Hard turned the corner of the house. "I think, myself, that there's a lot of rot talked about the artistic temperament," replied Hard, drily.