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Oh! to-night, dear pappy. Well, then, to-night it shall be "Je vous ecris parceque je n'ai rien a faire," &c. That's not true; fifty unanswered letters on my table pronounce it false. But when I deliberated about writing, it was with a view to write you sense grave sense. What a dull thing is sense. How it mars half the pleasure of life, and yet how contemptible is all that has it not.

He had a narrow escape on Monday from a stag at bay, which pursued him with fury, killed a hound and wounded a horse. He said, 'J'ai fui comme je n'ai jamais fui de ma vie. The stags they hunt are wild red deer. He asked me to go in the evening with him to the Francais to see 'Hernani, which I did; glad to see the old piece again, though I thought it not well acted.

'When poor Madame de Jacquieres was dying, said Wilmers, 'her confessor sat by her bedside, prepared for his ministrations. "Pour commencer, mon ami, jamais je n'ai fait rien hors nature."

La force commence a me revenir. Je me suis bien promene, lentement, toute la journee. Je n'ai pas ose te dire combien j'ai desire ta chere presence ces jours-ci. Si je l'avais dit tu aurais ete capable de te mettre en route. "Enfin j'espere que c'est a peu pres passe pour cette fois, et je me promets bien de ne plus jamais travailler au-dessus de mes forces. Mr.

Un homme voyoit venir de loin un medecin de sa connoissance qui l'avoit traite plusieurs annees auparavant dans une maladie; il se detourna, et cacha son visage pour n'etre pas reconnu. On lui demandoit, "Pourquoi." "C'est," dit-il, "que je suis honteux devant lui de ce qu'il y a fort long temps que je n'ai ete malade."

"Chère grand'mère," disait le très pratique personnage, "je suis certain que vous apprendrez avec plaisir que je n'ai pas besoin de vous ennuyer pour de l'argent en ce moment, car j'ai vendu votre dernière lettre pour 30 shillings

"Mais, monsieur je ne sais pas suivre vous allez si vite." "Je n'ai rien compris, moi!" Here a general murmur arose, and the teacher, opening her lips for the first time, ejaculated "Silence, mesdemoiselles!" No silence followed on the contrary, the three ladies in front began to talk more loudly. "C'est si difficile, l'Anglais!" "Je deteste la dictee."

At the foot of the convent hill, she turned to go home. Claude called her back and awkwardly tried to give her some money, but she thrust her hands behind her and said resolutely, "Non, merci. Je n'ai besoin de rien," and then ran away down the path. As he climbed toward the top of the hill he noticed that the ground had been cleaned up a bit.

At the representation of AEdipus, the following expression of Philactetes was received with transport: "J'ai fait des Souverains, et n'ai pas voulu l'etre." The First Consul, on leaving the theatre, did not conceal his satisfaction. He judged, from the applause with which that verse had been received, that his pamphlet was forgotten.

I have written such tomes to Mr. Conway, Madam, and so nothing new to write, that I might as well, methinks, begin and end like the lady to her husband; "Je vous écris parceque je n'ai rien