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But by-an'-by back he came like a mad thing, an' no need to tell me you was inside there. He was neither to hold nor to bind, an' I do believe if he hadn't thought o' the manhole he'd 'a-broke the wall down, or elst his 'eart." "When I tell you 'e got me in as well as out But, good sake, I musn' stand 'ere talkin'! Gimme my crutch, an' shove us across, that's a dear man."

To tell the truth, I was beginning to feel the want of it, and of course I began on the first topic of local interest the burglary. "'The odd thing to me, said I, 'is that you seem to have no particular suspicions. "'I'd rather you didn' talk of it, said Old Tom Udy. 'I got my living to get, and 'tis a day's journey to Bodmin. Tho' you musn' think, he added, 'that we bear any gridge.

"'Well, I'm glad o' that, because, since you ask me, as a professing Christian, I cudn' say any less. But you musn' think we bear any gridge. "'I'm sure I wonder you don't. And the police still have no clue? "'The police? You mean Sammy Crego, the constable? Why, I've knawed en from a boy pretty thing if any person in Polreen listened to he!

"Beats 'im?" asked Tilda, and suddenly, still erect on her chair and looking down on the woman, felt her courage flowing back full and strong. "He's a beast, then." "You musn' talk like that," said the woman hurriedly, with a glance back at the half-open door. "Hut he's 'ard if you cross 'im an' the child's pay bein' be'ind 'and " "What's your name?" demanded Tilda. "Sarah 'Uggins."

Why, only just as you came along, Billy was saying, 'Burglary! he says, 'why, I han't been so happy in mind since the Indian Queen came ashore! "'Watch my window? Why the And then, as light broke on me, 'Look here, I said, 'you don't mean to tell me you've been suspecting me of the burglary all this time! "'You musn' think, said Archelaus Warne, 'that we bear any gridge."