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Pierre, it would be dirt. Ah, bah! je m'oublie tout a fait. Pierre, il est bete. Il refuse de les toucher. Mais il faut qu'il les touche, si je les laisse sur le plancher. Va-t'en! Je me moque de lui. Canaille! L'homme du peuple, tout a fait du peuple!"

"Oh, la!" she exclaimed with a shrug of her youthful shoulders. "Perhaps you think I have time for such foolishness what with housework to do and washing, and caring for my father, and my duties in the belfry every day!" "Youth passes swiftly, belle Maryette." "Imitate him, beau monsieur, and swiftly pass your way!" "L’amour est doux, petite Marie!" "Je m’en moque!"

Not more surprised should I be to see some venerable D. D. of Princeton leading off a dance in the Jardin Mabille. We chased him here, and chased him there. We headed him, and he headed us. We said, "Now I have you," and he said, "No, you don't!" until the affair began to grow comically serious. "Il se moque de vous!" said the guide.

Mons. Jourdain. Etes-vous fou de l'aller quereller' lui qui entend la tierce et la quarte, et qui sait tuer un homme par raison demonstrative? Le Maitre a Danser. Je me moque de sa raison demonstrative, et de sa tierce et de sa quarte. Moliere.

They were in Amherst's hand, and the sight arrested her as though she had heard him speak. La vraie morale se moque de la morale.... We perish because we follow other men's examples.... Socrates used to call the opinions of the many by the name of Lamiæ bugbears to frighten children.... A rush of air seemed to have been let into her stifled mind. Were they his own thoughts?

Smiley gagnait toujours avec cette bete-la; malheureusement ils ont fini par dresser un chien qui n'avait pas de pattes de derriere, parce qu'on les avait sciees, et quand les choses furent au point qu'il voulait, et qu'il en vint a se jeter sur son morceau favori, le pauvre chien comprit en un instant qu'on s'etait moque de lui, et que l'autre le tenait.

Oh, la d'moiselle, comme elle est sot-te, Eh, je me moque de sa sot-ti-se! Eh, la d'moiselle, comme elle est be-te, Eh, je m'ris de sa be-ti-se!" She sang this impromptu nonsense prestissimo as she danced out of the room, leaving the accomplished Dorothy vexed and perplexed at not having understood a single word.

What can be heard in the midst of this roaring thunder? Where shall I find, and what is the good of, words, words, words? And yet my confidence in you is unshaken. Hamlet's dilemma does not apply to you, for YOU ARE and cannot help being. In the same sense Pascal says, "La vraie eloquence se moque de l' eloquence."

He took it with a bewildered look, as if scarcely following what she said. "Read it read it!" she commanded; and mechanically he read out the words he had written. "La vraie morale se moque de la morale.... We perish because we follow other men's examples.... Socrates called the opinions of the many Lamiæ. Good God!" he exclaimed, flinging the book from him with a gesture of abhorrence.

Vous ecrivez?" and he shook his finger at Longford "Bien'! Ecrivez un roman qui est sain, pure et noble et ze A-penny man vill moque de ca mais ecrivez of ze dirt of ze human naturel, et voila! Ze A-penny man say 'Bon! Ah que c'est l'art! Donnes moi l'ordure que je peux sentir! C'est naturel! C'est divin! C'est l'art!" A murmur, half of laughter, half of shocked protest, went round the table.