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Louis, where he died of cholera in the summer of 1850, and his body is buried in Bellefontaine Cemetery. In overhauling the hold of the steamer California, as she lay at anchor in Monterey Bay, a considerable amount of coal was found under some heavy duplicate machinery. With this, and such wood as had been gathered, she was able to renew her voyage.

When the news reached Rivera at Monterey, he sent a squad of soldiers, who captured the culprits, gave them a flogging, and imprisoned them. Later they were flogged again, and, after a few days in the stocks, they were released. In 1779 an alcalde and regidore were chosen from the natives to assist in the administration of justice.

Leland Stanford donated, in 1890, the Serra Monument which crowns a slope just above the spot where this wonderful missionary said his first Mass in Monterey. We cannot give sufficient credit to Reverend Raymond Mestres, the present parish priest of Monterey, and a Spaniard from the Province of Catalonia, like Junipero Serra and many of the early missionaries.

The plaza in the centre of the city was the citadel, properly speaking. All the streets leading from it were swept by artillery, cannon being intrenched behind temporary parapets. The house-tops near the plaza were converted into infantry fortifications by the use of sand-bags for parapets. Such were the defences of Monterey in September, 1847.

The landlocked harbor which Cabrillo had named San Miguel, Vizcaino re-christened in honor of his flag-ship, San Diego de Alcalá. Farther north, Vizcaino found a glorious deep and sheltered bay, "large enough to float all the navies of the world," he said; and this, in honor of the Viceroy of Mexico, he called the Bay of Monterey.

Retaliatory Measures Fremont's Return to California Capture of Sonoma Sutter's Fort Placed Under Military Rule Monterey Taken by Commodore Sloat Capture of Los Angeles by Fremont and Commodore Stockton Carson Sent East as a Bearer of Despatches The Meeting with Apaches General Kearney Bravery of the California Mexicans.

Benicia took her skirt between the tips of her fingers and swayed her graceful body forward, as a tule bends in the wind. "You like dip the flag of the conqueror in honey, señor. Ay! We need have one compliment for every tear that fall since your eagle stab his beak in the neck de ours." "Ah, the loyal women of Monterey! I have no words to express my admiration for them, señorita.

The Indians had never heard the sound of guns and were so frightened that they ran away to the mountains. The second Mission was built on the Carmel River, a little distance from the site of the first altar. This was called San Carlos of Monterey, and the settlement was the capital of Alta California for many years.

"At twelve to-night," he said, "I will wait for you in the forest with horses, and will guide you myself to Monterey. I have a house there, and you can leave on the first barque for Boston." As soon as the party returned to the Fort, Estenega excused himself and left for his home. The day passed with maddening slowness to Natalie.

Don Quadra held that he had been instructed to relinquish only the land on which the fort stood according to Vancouver, 'but little more than one hundred yards in extent any way. No understanding could be arrived at, and Quadra at the end of September took his departure for Monterey, leaving Vancouver to follow a few days later. Vancouver was anxious to be off on further exploration.