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This gave the ingenious Mr. Moniplies an opportunity of gathering close up to his master, after he had gone through the form of slipping his left arm into the handles of his buckler, and loosening his broadsword in the sheath, that he might be ready for whatever should befall.

"Gentlemen," said the scrivener, "this security now belongs to a mighty lord. I pray you, abate your haste, and let me send for Lord Dalgarno, or rather I will run for him myself." So saying, he took up his hat; but Lowestoffe called out, "Friend Moniplies, keep the door fast, an thou be'st a man! he seeks but to put off the time.

"Whomsoever goeth before me, my lord," answered Moniplies. "No sauciness, you knave I desire to know if you still serve Nigel Olifaunt?" said Dalgarno. "I am friend to the noble Lord Glenvarloch," answered Moniplies, with dignity.

Now, what think ye should be the upshot of this?" "My Lord Glenvarloch's freedom, and his restoration to your Majesty's favour," said Heriot. "I ken that," said the king, peevishly. "Ye are very dull to-day. I mean, what do you think this fallow Moniplies should think about the matter?" "Surely that your Majesty is a most good and gracious sovereign," answered Heriot.

It may easily be supposed that Richie Moniplies, having secured the assistance of the two Templars, ready enough to join in any thing which promised a fray, with Jin Vin to act as their guide, had set off, gallantly mounted and well armed, under the belief that they would reach Camlet Moat before the robbers, and apprehend them in the fact.

Dame Nelly, after congratulating Moniplies on his return, and paying several compliments to her own sagacity for having foretold it, was at length pleased to leave the apartment.

Richie Moniplies lingered behind his master, to ask whether, in case of need, John Christie could help a canny Scotsman to a passage back to his own country; and receiving assurance of John's interest to that effect, he said at parting, he would remind him of his promise soon.

"Troth, there's nae gainsaying that, sir," replied Moniplies; "there were enow to see it besides me." "And you pretend that his Majesty flung it from him with contempt?" said the citizen. "Take heed, for I have means of knowing the truth; and you were better up to the neck in the Nor-Loch, which you like so well, than tell a leasing where his Majesty's name is concerned."

And in the morning, I cam daikering here, but sad wark I had to find the way, for I had been east as far as the place they ca' Mile-End, though it is mair like sax-mile-end." "Well, Richie," answered Nigel, "I am glad all this has ended so well go get something to eat. I am sure you need it." "In troth do I, sir," replied Moniplies; "but, with your lordship's leave "

Now wherefore should you, who are as brisk and trig a young fellow of your inches as the sun needs to shine on wherefore need you sit moping this way, and not try some bold way to better your fortune?" "I tell you, Master Moniplies," said Jenkin, "I am as poor as any Scot among you I have broke my indenture, and I think of running my country."