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Karnis kept near his friend, helping him so far as was possible; Orpheus, with others of the younger men, had been ordered to the roof, where they were employed under the scorching sun, reflected from the copper-plated covering and the radiating surface of the dome in loosening blocks of stone from the balustrade to be hurled down to-morrow on the besieging force.

As soon as an ocean washed over the consolidated crust of the globe, it would begin to abrade the surfaces upon which it moved, gradually loosening and detaching materials, to deposit them again as sand or mud or pebbles at its bottom in successive layers, one above another.

"No, the goat is mine," said she, and threw her arms about it, then loosening one of her garters she fastened it around its neck. Oyvind watched her. She rose to her feet and began to tug at the goat; it would not go along with her, and stretched its neck over the edge of the cliff toward Oyvind. "Ba-a-a-a!" said the goat.

With one hand he succeeded in loosening the noose from about his neck, while with the other he struck out, hitting an emissary a fearful swinging blow that sent the fellow staggering backward, to fall against the lever controlling the trap-door. With a crash the trap was sprung, with the pit yawning beneath it.

What's the matter with being good fellows and loosening up?" "Because it is purely a business matter in which the public would be too much concerned if it knew what we were doing." "Well, whatever it is, it's good I know that," replied the young journalist, laughing, "and I'm sorry I'm not in it with you special car flowers traveling like railroad presidents. I'm on.

And, with injunctions for silence, the doctor accompanied his colleagues to the door, which was noiselessly opened by the lackeys; but, before they had time to close it again, Mirazzi shut it with his own hands, loosening simultaneously a thick velvet portiere, through whose heavy folds no sound could penetrate without. Victor Amadeus, meanwhile, lay motionless in his arm-chair.

"What queer business is now afoot?" Fawkes exclaimed, gazing after the retreating forms. "Mayhap ere long a trusty blade will not be amiss. I can well afford a few moments to see that all be fair." So saying, and loosening his sword in its scabbard to make sure it was free if suddenly needed, he swiftly passed in the direction taken by the retreating figures.

They both stood severely reserved, passively loosening the filial bond. All the business of life was suspended, as when there is death in the lodge. Skenedonk and I sat down together on a bunk. "Lazarre," my father spoke, "do you want to be educated?" The things we pine for in this world are often thrust upon us in a way to choke us.

"If you leave me, I shall die. I can't bear it. I know it's wicked of me." Her words reached him brokenly. "It's only because you're all I have. I've given up everything; and now " He stood very still, staring into space, his hold on her never loosening. She stumbled on, confessing what had lain hidden in her heart until this moment.

Two dropped, but the others raising their shields ran onward still shouting, crossed the bridge of fagots, and came with a thundering crash against the door. It splintered from base to arch, but kept its place. Swinging their mighty weapon, the storming party thudded and crashed upon the gate, every blow loosening and widening the cracks which rent it from end to end.