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"I expect that Aunt Marg is in New York by this time," Louis Hamblin now boldly asserted. "What?" almost shrieked Mona, smitten to the heart with terror at this intelligence. "Oh! you cannot mean to tell me that you and I have come to Havana alone! That that " A hot blush mounted to her forehead, and for a moment she was utterly overcome with shame and horror over the terrible situation.

Marg drew away from him in fear. She could not know but Burke had had a terrific experience that day and he was on the path for revenge and any one in his way must suffer. Freed at last from his captivity, he had travelled across the range and straight to Jim White. And the sheriff, ready for the recreant, greeted him without mercy, judging him guilty until he proved himself otherwise.

Well, I asked natural like for Nella-Rose and Marg scrooged up her mouth, knowing full well as how I knew Jed was second choice for her but Pete he done tell me that Nella-Rose had married Burke Lawson and run to safer parts and when I got over the shock I was certainly thankful for being a sheriff ain't all it might be when your ideas of justice and liking gets crossed.

"She trailed after me all day she lost me in a place where hiding's good and there I left her! She'll tell Jed Martin this evening when she gets back. Marg is scenting Burke for Jed and his kind to catch that's her way and Jed's!" Stinging contempt rang in the girl's voice. "But not your way I bet, Nella-Rose." The fun, not the danger, of the situation struck Truedale. "No! I'd do it all myself!

The whole marg was become lake or stream lake over the polo-ground and half the golf-links fed by the weeping slopes on every side, whence innumerable rills rioted over the grass, emulating in ferocity and haste, if not in size, the tawny torrents which drained the sides of Apharwat.

The boys established themselves on the couch back of the baseburner. "Hello, Marg," said Kent. "What you doing?" "Paper dolls," returned Margery from her corner, without looking up. Charlie Jackson stared at the beautiful little black head bent over the bright colored bits of paper with interest. Amos took up the interrupted conversation.

As the Centre was in the opposite direction from the Hollow, as seven miles going and seven miles coming would subdue the spirits and energy even of Nella-Rose, Marg was perplexed. However, she prepared food, tucked it in the basket, and even went so far as to pin her sister's shawl closely under her chin.

Nella-Rose braced herself against the table and quietly and definitely outlined their future relations. "No, you cannot come to see us-all. You don't know Marg. If she doesn't find things out, there won't be trouble; when she does find things out there's goin' t' be a right smart lot of trouble brewing!"

Near the centre of the marg, on a small hill, was a large wooden building surrounded by many satellite huts and tents: this we rightly guessed to be Nedou's Hotel. Below, on a spur, was the little church, and to the right, in the hollow, the club-house faced the level polo-ground.

The progress of the French arms was rapid, and promised more considerable success than usually in that age attended military enterprises. Waverl. p. 167. Marg. p. 213.