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"Nay, nay, Oliver," said Louis impatiently, "the heathen poet speaks of Vota diis exaudita malignis, wishes, that is, which the saints grant to us in their wrath; and such, in the circumstances, would have been the success of William de la Marck's exploit, had it taken place about this time, and while I am in the power of this Duke of Burgundy.

De la Marck found his retreat cut off, and bade his lieutenant break through if he could, and escape. "With me it is over," he added. "I am man enough now that I am brought to bay, to send some of these vagabond Scots to hell before me." About six of De la Marck's best men remained to perish with their master, and fronted the archers who were not many more in number.

He quelled the murmurs of the Left by exclaiming, "Silence aux trente voix!" This was the date of his breach with the Democrats. It was February 28, and he was to dine with the Duke d'Aiguillon. When he came, the door was shut in his face. By La Marck's advice, he went that night to the Jacobins, hoping to detach the club from the leaders.

Orange and Count Louis in France Peace with the Huguenots Coligny's memoir, presented by request to Charles IX., on the subject of invading the Netherlands Secret correspondence of Orange organized by Paul Buys Privateering commissions issued by the Prince Regulations prescribed by him for the fleets thus created Impoverished condition of the Prince His fortitude His personal sacrifices and privations His generosity Renewed contest between the Duke and the Estates on the subject of the tenth and twentieth pence Violent disputes in the council Firm opposition of Viglius Edict commanding the immediate collection of the tax Popular tumults Viglius denounced by Alva The Duke's fierce complaints to the King Secret schemes of Philip against Queen Elizabeth of England The Ridolphi plot to murder Elizabeth countenanced by Philip and Pius V. The King's orders to Alva to further the plan The Duke's remonstrances Explosion of the plot Obstinacy of Philip Renewed complaints of Alva as to the imprudent service required of him Other attempts of Philip to murder Elizabeth Don John of Austria in the Levant Battle of Lepanto Slothfulness of Selim Appointment of Medina Celi Incessant wrangling in Brussels upon the tax Persevering efforts of Orange Contempt of Alva for the Prince Proposed sentence of ignominy against his name Sonoy's mission to Germany Remarkable papers issued by the Prince The "harangue" Intense hatred for Alva entertained by the highest as well as lower orders Visit of Francis de Alva to Brussels His unfavourable report to the King Querulous language of the Duke Deputation to Spain Universal revolt against the tax Ferocity of Alva Execution of eighteen tradesmen secretly ordered Interrupted by the capture of Brill Beggars of the sea The younger Wild Boar of Ardennes Reconciliation between the English government and that of Alva The Netherland privateersmen ordered out of English ports De la Marck's fleet before Brill The town summoned to surrender Commissioners sent out to the fleet Flight of the magistrates and townspeople Capture of the place Indignation of Alva Popular exultation in Brussels Puns and Caricatures Bossu ordered to recover the town of Brill His defeat His perfidious entrance into Rotterdam Massacre in that city Flushing revolutionized Unsuccessful attempt of Governor de Bourgogne to recal the citizens to their obedience Expedition under Treslong from Brill to assist the town of Flushing Murder of Paccheco by the Patriots Zeraerts appointed Governor of Walcheren by Orange.

Crevecoeur showed a boar's hide, such as De la Marck usually wore; Dunois produced a cloven shield with his armorial bearings; and there were others who claimed the merit of having dispatched the murderer of the Bishop, producing similar tokens the rich reward fixed on De la Marck's head having brought death to all who were armed in his resemblance.

At the close of March, De la Marck's fleet sailed from Dover to fall upon a Spanish convoy; a few days later, it appeared in the Meuse before Brille. The town promptly surrendered.

The butcher rose, seized his weapon, and stealing round behind De la Marck's chair, stood with it uplifted in his bare and sinewy hands. "Look at that man, Louis of Bourbon," said De la Marck again, "What terms wilt thou now offer, to escape this dangerous hour?"

La Marck's misgiving, as he frankly told the embassador at the outset, was caused by the fear that Mirabeau had done more harm than he could repair; but he gladly undertook the commission, though its difficulty was increased by a stipulation which showed at once the weakness of the king, and the extraordinary difficulties which it placed in the way of his friends.

Putting himself in defence, but without striking, he replied, "France, France, friend to Liege." "Vivat France!" cried the burghers of Liege, and passed on. The same signal proved a talisman to avert the weapons of four or five of La Marck's followers, whom he found straggling in the garden, and who set upon him crying, "Sanglier!"

The upper part of De la Marck's face, as Nature had formed it, almost gave the lie to his character, for though his hair, when uncovered, resembled the rude and wild bristles of the hood he had drawn over it, yet an open, high, and manly forehead, broad ruddy cheeks, large, sparkling, light coloured eyes, and a nose which looked like the beak of the eagle, promised something valiant and generous.