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Oh, brethren, rosy-coloured optimism is all a dream. The recognition of the good that is in the evil is the devout man's talisman, but there is always need for the resistance and endurance which my texts prescribe.

She seemed to herself to have passed through some fiery initiation from which she had emerged seared and quivering, but clutching to her breast a magic talisman. Sophy Viner had cried out to her: "Some day you'll know!" and Darrow had used the same words.

How can I fully appreciate the oratory of the American Revolution, if I know nothing of the war between England and the Colonies? How can I get the real value out of "The Talisman," "Kenilworth," or "Ivanhoe," if I have no knowledge of the Crusades, of Elizabeth's reign, or of that period in English history when Richard of the Lion Heart was king?

Gladstone's knowledge of the SURFACE of the Iliad and Odyssey, so to speak, is extensive and accurate. It is when he attempts to penetrate beneath the surface and survey the treasures hidden in the bowels of the earth, that he shows himself unprovided with the talisman of the wise dervise, which alone can unlock those mysteries.

Perhaps I was mainly indebted to the passion I had conceived for the beautiful Catherine, which acted as a secret talisman in securing me from the contaminating influences to which, in my new position, I was often exposed.

She made fun of it and of herself, and yet she could not laugh over it her power of irresponsible enjoyment had been taken suddenly from her. "You will not now say that we shall never meet again," he had said, pressing something into her hand. "Now you will never forget," he had added. "It is a talisman of remembrance." What he had given her she did not know.

Her eyes grew soft and tender, and the jewel she wore glimmered like moonlight on the sea. I felt a little abashed, and, to change the subject, I said: "Tell me, Zara, what is that stone you always wear? Is it a talisman?" "It belonged to a king," said Zara, "at least, it was found in a king's coffin. It has been in our family for generations.

Those persons who derive most virtue from a Talisman are those who belong to the most sensitive, or interior state, within such degree of life, and who are dominated by one sign only.

For twenty years he was an armed traveller throughout Europe, and he fought without hatred, for he was possessed by a single thought the honor of the national flag! It might have been his superstition, if you will; but it was, at the same time, his safeguard. The word FRANCE, which was then resounding so gloriously through the world, served as a talisman to him against all sorts of temptation.

"I cannot tell you its name or nature," said Margrave; "but it is said to cure the bite of serpents , and has other supposed virtues, a talisman, in short." He here placed the staff in my hands, and bade me look at it with care. Then he changed the conversation and renewed the way, leaving the staff with me, till suddenly I forced it back on him.