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The sweet sounds they followed, The gasping cod swallow'd 'Twas wonderful, really; And turbot and flounder, 'Mid fish that were rounder, Just caper'd as gaily. John-dories came tripping; Dull hake, by their skipping, To frisk it seem'd given; Bright mackrel went springing, Like small rainbows winging Their flight up to heaven.

Near the Sea we have Mackrel in the height of perfection, and Mullet, Turbut, Herrings, Scate, and Soles, as also Lobsters and Crabs; and in the Rivers, Salmon and Trout are still good, and some Cray-Fish. 'Tis now a proper Season to put up Rasp-berries, either in Sweetmeat, or to infuse in Brandy; but they must be gather'd dry.

Elhannon killed and et one of his sheep, then he paid me up and took his ram back. If I had a thousand boys I wouldn't name narry dang one of them Elhannon. I got another little case what comes up next fall in the Bell Circit Court, 'taint much. I low ter pay a good young lawyer about twenty five bucks to git me off. 'Bout a month ago I shot Caleb Spencer as dead as a kit mackrel.

In a short time, however, he returned, having discovered that the people who had alarmed him were not the same that he had supposed. The natives that came to the ship this morning sold us, for a few pieces of cloth, as much fish of the mackrel kind as served the whole ship's company, and they were as good as ever were eaten.

"Well, lem'me see," said Miss Samantha, counting on her fingers "a biled mackrel, some fried bacon, two pones of corn bread kinder forced it down." "Ur-huh " said Jud, thoughtfully "of course you had to drink, too." "Yes" whined Miss Samantha woefully "two glasses of buttermilk." Jud elevated his eyebrows "An' for dinner?" "O, Lor'. Jes' cu'dn't eat nothin' fur dinner," she wailed.

The sweet sounds they followed, The gasping cod swallow'd 'Twas wonderful, really; And turbot and flounder, 'Mid fish that were rounder, Just caper'd as gaily. John-dories came tripping; Dull hake, by their skipping, To frisk it seem'd given; Bright mackrel went springing, Like small rainbows winging Their flight up to heaven.

The fish we procured here were sharks, stingrays, sea-bream, mullet, mackrel, and some others. The inhabitants in this bay are far more numerous than in any other part of the country that we had before visited; it did not appear to us that they were united under one head, and though their towns were fortified, they seemed to live together in perfect amity.