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God bless you, Mr. Longman! and I went into the lobby leading to the great hall, and dropt into the first chair; for I could get no farther a good while. I leave all these things to your reflection, my dear parents but I can write no more. My poor heart's almost broken! Indeed it is O when shall I get away!

O think it not my pride, my dear parents, that sets me on glorying in my change of name! Yours will be always dear to me, and what I shall never be ashamed of, I'm sure: But yet for such a husband! What shall I say, since words are too faint to express my gratitude and my joy! I have taken copies of my master's letter to Mr. Longman, and mine to Mrs.

L'Amour Garden Exhibit, Colonnade There are few more complete examples of delicacy of feeling and of refined, caressing perfection of tooling than this exquisite marble group, "L'Amour," by Evelyn Beatrice Longman. The purity of its emotion, the tenderness and fidelity of its poignant pose, are surpassed only by the marvel of surface finish.

"Ben Letts, too," added the squatter girl. "And the brat," finished Longman. Tess, startled, lifted up her head. "The brat! I had forgot him," she muttered. "He air dead, too?" "Yep. He air here." Longman drew down the sheet still further, exposing the lifeless baby. The thin little body lay between the father and mother. For many minutes they surveyed the dead trio in rapt attention.

Napoleon, however, has failed on the Continent and perhaps in England also; for, from the mumbling, half-grumbling tone of Longman and Co., dissatisfaction may be apprehended. Well, I can set my face to it boldly. I live not in the public opinion, not I; but egad! I live by it, and that is worse. Tu ne cede malis, sed contra, etc.

Longman on a proposal from the firm that he should act as their literary adviser; and thus, after long consideration he had, on July 5th, mentioned, in a semi-official manner, his wish to retire in October. On July 6th he wrote to Mr. Longman, provisionally accepting the offer of the firm; but the next day had to write again What a world is this!

This puzzled Longman until he remembered that gravity would bring in those this side of Harlem. None went out. The waiting throng was a hotbed for rumors. Longman collected much human-interest stuff, and was quite well satisfied with his story until he saw what it had meant elsewhere. For in the subways and tubes the stoppage of the trains had automatically discontinued the suction ventilation.

Longman returned from his office, and brought me the fifty pounds, saying, I have entered this new article with great pleasure: 'To my Lady fifty pounds: to be paid the same sum quarterly. O sir! said I, what will become of me, to be so poor in myself, and so rich in your bounty!

I see, said he, you are going to answer otherwise than I would have you; and I begin to be vexed I should thus meanly sue; and so I will say, that your behaviour before honest Longman, when I used you as I did, and you could so well have vindicated yourself, has quite charmed me.

It is from such nicknames that we get surnames like White, Black, Long, Young, Short, and so on. All these are, of course, well-known surnames to-day, and though many men named Long may be small, and many named Short may be tall, we may guess that this was not the case with some far-off ancestor. Sometimes man was added to these adjectives, and we get names like Longman, Oldman, etc.