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Rooney was driven to push him by direct questions. "For the tendher mercy, Micky Lavery, make me sinsible, and don't disthract me is the boy married?" "Yis, I tell you." "To Jack Dwyer's daughter?" "Yis." "And gev him a fort'n'?" "Gev him half his property, I tell you, and he'll have all when the owld man's dead."

After church there was much lingering in the churchyard for the exchange of Christmas greetings. Mrs. Colwood found herself introduced to the Vicar, Mr. Lavery; to a couple of maiden ladies of the name of Bertram, who seemed to have a good deal to do with the Vicar, and with the Church affairs of the village; and to an elderly couple, Dr. and Mrs. Roughsedge, white-haired, courteous, and kind, who were accompanied by a soldier son, in whom it was evident they took a boundless pride. The young man, of a handsome and open countenance, looked at Miss Mallory as much as good manners allowed. She, however, had eyes for no one but the Vicar, with whom she started, tête-

There was something about the poor, foolish painted face, as it looked up pleadingly, that gave it a momentary touch of beauty. "Do," said Joan, speaking earnestly. "I shall be so very pleased if you will." "Thank you," said the woman. Miss Lavery came up in a hurry to introduce her to Miss Tolley.

The meeting had decided to run a miners' candidate; expenses had been guaranteed; and the resolution passed meant, according to Lavery, that Marsham would be badly beaten, and that Colonel Simpson, his Conservative opponent, would be handsomely presented with a seat in Parliament, to which his own personal merits had no claim whatever. "But that we put up with," said the Vicar, grimly.

Well, good Christians, here is more of the subscription for you. L s. d. Matthew Lavery 0 2 6 "He doesn't belong to Roundtown Roundtown will be renowned in future ages for the support of the Church. Mark my words Roundtown will prosper from this day out Roundtown will be a rising place.

"Not much to thank for, according to you!" observed Lady Niton, grimly. "Oh, well, he's in!" Lady Lucy drew a long breath. "But people have behaved so extraordinarily! That man that clergyman at Beechcote Mr. Lavery. He's been working night and day against Oliver. Really, I think parsons ought to leave politics alone." "Lavery?" said Bobbie. "I thought he was a Radical.

"Oh, more power to you, Andy!" cried his mother in delight: "it's you that is the boy, and the best child that ever was! Half his property, you tell me, Misther Lavery?" added she, getting distant and polite the moment she found herself mother to a rich man, and curtailing her familiarity with a poor one like Lavery.

Did she tell you?" "No," answered Madge, "but I think I can guess. She hopes or perhaps 'fears' would be more correct that her husband is going to join the Cabinet, and is trying to fit herself by suddenly studying political and social questions. For a month she's been clinging like a leech to Helen Lavery, who takes her to meetings and gatherings.

But when Joan proposed exposing the neglect and even cruelty too often inflicted upon the helpless patients of private Nursing Homes, Miss Lavery shook her head. "I know," she said. "One does hear complaints about them.

John Lavery, V. F.; the very rev. William Doherty, D. D.; the rev. Peter Fagan, O. M.; the rev. T. Brangan, O. S. A.; the rev. J. Flavin, C. C.; the rev. M. A. Hackett, C. C.; the rev. W. Hurley, C. C.; the rt rev. Mgr M'Manus, V. G.; the rev. B. R. Slattery, O. M. I.; the very rev. M. D. Scally, P. P.; the rev. F. T. Purcell, O. P.; the very rev. Timothy canon Gorman, P. P.; the rev.