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He said that his lordship was low, very low, and that the pulse was more irregular than he liked, but he committed himself no further than this, and went away, promising to send such pills and potions as were appropriate to the patient's condition. A boy rode the same pony over to Langdale later in the afternoon with the promised medicines.

Hammond discover the depth of her sympathy, the tenderness of her compassion for his woes. Later, as they were walking home across the hills, by Great Langdale and Little Langdale, and Fox Howe and Loughrigg Fell, she fell behind a few paces with Maulevrier, and said to him very earnestly 'You won't tell, will you, dear? 'Tell what? he asked, staring at her. 'Don't tell Mr.

There was no want of courage in our men on both sides, but our dragoons had the advantage, and at last routed them, and drove them back to the village. Here Sir Marmaduke Langdale had his hands full too, for my firing had alarmed the towns adjacent, that when he came into the town he found them all in arms, and, contrary to his expectation, two regiments of foot, with about 500 horse more.

"Lady Langdale, your ladyship's a judge of china this vase is an unique, I am told." "I am told," interrupted Mrs. Dareville, "this is the very vase in which B , the nabob's father, who was, you know, a China captain, smuggled his dear little Chinese wife and all her fortune out of Canton positively, actually put the lid on, packed her up, and sent her off on shipboard!

They went to the Langdale Pikes, and to Dungeon Ghyll; and, standing beside the waterfall, Mary told her husband how miserable she had felt on that very spot a little less than a year ago, when she believed that he thought her plain and altogether horrid. Whereupon he had to console her with many kisses and sweet words, for the bygone pain on her part, the neglect of his.

'Yes, and you CAWNT conceive the PEENS she TEEKES to talk of the TEEBLES and CHEERS, and to thank Q, and, with so much TEESTE, to speak pure English, said Mrs. Dareville. 'Pure cockney, you mean, said Lady Langdale. 'But why does Lady Clonbrony want to pass for English? said the duchess. 'Oh! because she is not quite Irish. BRED AND BORN only bred, not born, said Mrs. Dareville.

I was quartered all this winter at Banbury, and went little abroad; nor had we any action till the latter end of February, when I was ordered to march to Leicester with Sir Marmaduke Langdale, in order, as we thought, to raise a body of men in that county and Staffordshire to join the king.

Had the attack upon the Bank succeeded it is impossible to form any estimate of what the result might have been. But it failed, and with that failure the whole hideous agitation failed as well. But the crowning horror of the whole episode was reserved for that final day of danger. In Holborn, where riot raged fiercest, stood the distilleries of Mr. Langdale, a wealthy Roman Catholic.

The Protestant officers concerted with the magistracy a plan of revolt: Langdale and his adherents were arrested; and soldiers and citizens united in declaring for the Protestant religion and a free Parliament. The Pastern Counties were up. The Duke of Norfolk, attended by three hundred gentlemen armed and mounted, appeared in the stately marketplace of Norwich.

'A tribe of daughters, too, I suppose? 'No, no, said Lady Langdale, 'daughters would be past all endurance. 'There's a cousin, though, a Grace Nugent, said Mrs. Dareville, 'that Lady Clonbrony has with her. 'Best part of her, too, said Colonel Heathcock; 'd-d fine girl! never saw her look better than at the opera to-night!