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Their thoughts were all bent now upon the holiday scenes of the past. As they finished the meal and cleared away and washed the dishes they related incidents of their boyhood's time, compared, reiterated, and embellished. As they talked they grew jovial, and laughed often. "The skee broke an' you went over kerplunk, hey? Haw, haw! That reminds me of one time in Wisconsin "

"Well," assented Orde reservedly, "in that case I'm foreman on this drive because my outfit went kerplunk two years ago, and I'm making a fresh go at it." "Failed?" inquired Newmark. "Partner skedaddled," replied Orde. "Now, if you're satisfied with my family history, suppose you tell me what the devil you're driving at."

And there's something in her eyes like well, like she was blaming herself for something, and was sorry for him. ... She seems, when she's with him, as if she were trying to make up to him for something and didn't know how." "Readjustment," Lightener grunted. "They jumped into the thing kerplunk. Queer start-off."

Paul shifted his quid, spat, and shoved his pearl Fedora a little further over his ear. "G'lang there," he cried shaking the reins. "I reached my gun before he reached me," he said; "and I gave him the charge, bang in his little red eye. He reared up; and come down kerplunk right on top o' me; only I rolled away just in time!"

When this fellow came down the steps, he landed on it kerplunk." "Right-O!" declared Frank. "At least," he continued, "that's my deduction. If anyone has a better explanation, let him give it." None was offered, however, the boys seeming to agree that Arnold's explanation had been correct. They all waited to hear further from Frank.

And then suddenly we seemed to be close to Bucky Gum's pasture; the well became a kind of pipe stuck up out of the ground and began to spout fire; and there was a great light in the sky and I saw Jesus coming down out of the sky, and there was thunder. Then I began to fly drift down, and all of a sudden, kerplunk, I fell out of bed.

Kerplunk! he falls into the water, or with a dull thud, he strikes the ground with force enough to kill a horse if hit squarely by it. What a bird he was! How beautifully marked! How bright his wing! How deep his breast, compared with any other duck in the land! How magnificent the dark brown, velvet coloring of his head! How soft and satiny the white streaked back!

Hooper; if they were to stay up all night, go without eats and work twenty-five hours a day they couldn't do any " And just then the end of the too-much inclined crutch skated outward and the habitually unfortunate girl dropped kerplunk on the floor. Gus and Grace picked her up. She was not hurt by her fall. Her very plumpness had saved her.

"Well, I'll come up and help you out." "Do," Hollanden laughed; "you and Miss Fanhall can team it against the littlest Worcester girl and me." He regarded the landscape and meditated. Hawker struggled for a grip on the thought of the stubble. "That colour of hair and eyes always knocks me kerplunk," observed Hollanden softly. Hawker looked up irascibly. "What colour hair and eyes?" he demanded.

"All of the wind ducked out of the sail gag for a minute and the boat spun around, then, all of a sudden, it filled again, and, bingo! the scow slowly lays over on her side an dies. The outfit fell into the water kerplunk. I think I touched the bottom nine times before I grabbed the side of the boat. I remember distinctly of passing a fish so often that we got on speaking terms.